5.1.4 When managing a K-control model
When managing a K-control type device, a separate K- transmission converter, model PAC-SC25KAA, is required.
(1) System controllers able to control a K-control type device
A K- transmission converter unit only accepts communication with a upper controller with bearing
address [000].
Consequently, since the G-50A is fixed (address [000]) as the upper controller, even if multiple system
controllers are included in a single system, control of K-control type devices is only conducted using the G-50A.
5.1.5 Synchronized settings
The Lossnay with built-in heater and humidifier and which has been set for synchronization starts and stops
operation synchronized with an indoor unit that has been set for synchronization. Furthermore, it is also
possible to operate the Lossnay or the OA Processing unit independently using the ME remote controller that
controls the indoor unit in question. Synchronized operation of two or more OA Processing unit in addition to a
Lossnay unit using one indoor unit is impossible.
(2) Concerning the address of the K- transmission converter (PAC-SC25KAA)
The address of the K- transmission converter is [200 + the smallest address of the K- models].
The address of the K- transmission converter expresses the borderline of the M-NET type device and
the K-control models.
As a case example, in the case the number of G-50A units is 38 units and the address of the K
transmission converter is [220], the addresses from [20] on and after are all interpreted as K-control
type devices and are started up according to K-control.
In other words, care has to be taken the addresses of K-control models are set after those of the addresses
of the M-NET type devices, while fitting addresses should be set for the K -transmission converter.
●● OA Processing unit can be controlled as an indoor unit by setting the DIP
switches. In the case of OA Processing unit is to be controlled as an indoor unit,
please set DIP switch 3-1 of the OA Processing unit to ON.
●● Synchronized operation of two or more Lossnay units with built-in heater and
humidifier in addition to a Lossnay unit using one indoor unit is impossible. With
one OA Processing unit, synchronized registration of maximally 16 indoor units
can be performed.