Mitsubishi Electronics C6 Home Safety Product User Manual

1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer
1.7 Error Status
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1.7 Error Status
If an error has occurred in GX Developer, the following dialog appears. The error message and
error status are displayed in the dialog.
(2) Error status
(1) Error message
(Note) When an error occurred at GX Developer On-line function, the error message may not
explain exactly the state in the CNC side.
Always refer to the error list.
The following table indicates the causes and remedies of the errors that can occur during online
operation with the CNC. For other errors, refer to the GX Developer operating manual.
Status Message Cause Remedy
An attempt was made to
execute a function not
Check the specifications. 2056 The executed function is not
The version of GX Developer
used is not compatible to the
This error occurs when the GX
Developer version is one of
7.10L to 7.14Q. Download
from MELFANSweb to update
the version to 7.17T or higher.
4002 Cannot communicate with the
An operation outside the
specification was performed.
Check the storage capacity or
the operation procedure.
4010 The PLC is in RUN mode, so
writing cannot be done.
The PLC of the NC is running. After stopping the PLC of the
NC, start execution again.
4021 The applicable drive is not
The specified target memory
does not exist or is not in a
usable status.
Change the target memory.
4029 Insufficient file capacity. An attempt was made to write
a file that exceeds the storage
Examine the file structure so
that the data falls within the
limited capacity.
402b The file cannot be accessed. An attempt was made to write
the same type of file.
After deleting the same type of
file from the NC side, start
execution again.
4031 The specified device No.
exceeds the permissible
The access request given is
outside the accessible device
Check the number range of
each device.
4052 The file is write protected. The specified target memory is
a write-disabled device
Specify "internal RAM" as the
target memory.
4053 Writing to the flash ROM
An error occurred in the
process to erase or to write
data into the flash ROM.
The hardware may have
inferiority or deterioration
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