Mitsubishi Electronics C6 Home Safety Product User Manual

1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer
1.4 Creating PLC-related Data
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(3) Editing of integrated type interlinear statements
(a) Circuit display
On the circuit display screen that shows the integrated type interlinear statements, double-
clicking the interlinear statement you want to edit displays the following dialog. Perform editing
operation on the dialog and click [OK] or press [Enter].
(b) List display
On the list display screen, double-clicking the interlinear statement you want to edit displays the
following dialog. Perform editing operation on the dialog and click [OK] or press [Enter].
(c) Entering new message data
Displaying new edit screen
Perform the following operation to display the [New] dialog, and set the [Data name] and
[Title]. After setting, click [OK].
[Project] [Edit Data] [New]
Changing to list display mode
Perform the following operation to display the list data.
[View] [Instruction list]
Entering message data
Press "Enter" on the "END" line, enter data as in “(b) List display”, and then press "Enter" on
the next line and enter message data.