1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer
1.3 Developing PLC Programs
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List of PLC-related data
Related data classification
File name
(GX Developer)
PLC program (ladder)
PLC program comment
PLC ladder code
Comment data for GX Developer
3 Message 1st language M1xxxx.WPG Message 1st language data such
as alarm messages/
operator messages/
PLC switches/
tool registration comment/
load meter comment
4 Message 2nd language M2xxxx.WPG Same as above
(2nd language data)
(a) PLC program (ladder)
• PLC program developed using GX Developer.
• Only one file can be stored in the NC.
(b) PLC program comment
• Program comment for GX Developer display
• Only one file can be stored in the NC with the same file name as the PLC program.
• A device comment (32 characters) and a device name (10 characters) can be defined for each
• Stored mainly when it is read to GX Developer and used as a comment.
(c) Message 1st language and (4) 2nd language
• Alarm message/operator message/PLC switch/comment message data.
• One 1st language file and one 2nd language file can be stored in the NC.
• The messages can be handled and edited as "integrated type interlinear statements" by GX
• The maximum message length and the number of messages can be specified for each
message type.
1.3.2 Creating a New Program
Create a new program using GX Developer.
Refer to the GX Developer's operation manual for details of usage.