Mitsubishi Electronics C6 Home Safety Product User Manual

Appendix 3. PLC Development Environment using GPPQ
3.7 Differences From The M500 PLC Development Environment
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(3) Commands that can be Used with the GPPQ, but cannot be Used by the C64
When commands that cannot be used by the M600 are written from the GPPQ to the C64, they are
rewritten to "NOP" commands. (Note that commands described in "Table of alternate command
correspondence" are rewritten to the corresponding MELDAS commands.)
The following may occur with some commands that cannot be used by the C64. A "verify error" will
result when comparison is carried out after transmitting PLC programs containing commands not
described in the alternate command correspondence table are transferred from the GPPQ to the
Be careful when creating PLC programs with the GPPQ.
With some commands that cannot be used by the CNC, an error will not occur even when carrying
out comparison of commands described in the alternate command correspondence table.
"Commands that can be created with the GPPQ, but cannot be used in the C64" are defined by the
following expression.
"Commands that can be created with the GPPQ, but cannot be used in the C64"
= "All commands described in the QnA Programming Instruction Manual"
- ("All commands described in the C64 PLC Programming Instruction Manual"
+ "Table of alternate command correspondence"
+ "Table of format-changed command correspondence")
Refer to Appendix 2. List of MELSEC QnA Series Commands
3.7.2 PLC Messages
The contact/coil comments and other messages (alarm/operator messages, PLC switches,
comments) are developed separately with their respective tools. The development tool for each
message is shown in "List of message development tool comparisons".
List of message development tool comparisons
M500 C64
Contact comments
Coil comments
MELSEC QnA Series GPP function
software package (GPPQ)
Alarm messages
Operator messages
PLC switches
PLC development software
(ladder section) (PLC4B)
PLC onboard (ONBD)
Text editor, etc. -> MELSEC QnA
Series Data conversion software
package (CNVQ)
(1) Contact/Coil Comments
Contact/coil comments created by the "Text creation mode" and "Device comment edit" of the
"MELSEC QnA Series GPP function software package (GPPQ)" are saved as a file or transferred to
the C64 by the RS-232C cable. The No. of character and quantity limitations are the same
specifications as those of the M500.
(2) Other Messages (alarm/operator messages, PLC switches, comments)
With other messages, the described text file is converted with the designated format by the
"MELSEC QnA Series data conversion software package (CNVQ)", and then that is transferred with
the GPPQ to the C64 via the RS-232C cable.