Mitsubishi Electronics C6 Home Safety Product User Manual

1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer
1.4 Creating PLC-related Data
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(e) End code
An end code is described at the end of the description. Description after the end code are
An error will occur if there is no end code.
(3) Details of comment message
The messages used for Tool registration screen and for load meter are defined as the comment
Comment messages is described using the following format.
;M, device, device No., message character strings[CR]
(a) Tool registration message
Maximum 8 characters for a step, and up to 5 steps of messages can be created. Even if more
than 5 steps are created, the characters of first 5 steps are displayed.
[Description format]
;M, 1, 0, message character strings[CR]
(b) Load meter message
Maximum 40 characters for a step, and up to 7 steps of messages can be created.
• Message of 1st step is for the 1st part system.
• Message of 2nd step is for the 2nd part system.
• Message of 3rd step is for the 3rd part system.
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• Message of 7th step is for the 7th part system.
[Description format]
;M, 2, 0, message character strings[CR]
;M,1,0,[Index 1]
;M,2,0,Spindle 1
;M,2,0,0 50 100
;M,2,0, %
;M,2,0,Z- axis 1
;M,2,0,0 50 100
;M,2,0, %
;M,2,0, Spindle 2
;M,2,0,0 50 100
;M,2,0, %
;M,2,0, Z- axis 2
;M,2,0,0 50 100
;M,2,0, %
Load meter message (1st part system)
Line 1 Left 10 characters displayed
Line 1 Right 30 characters displayed
Line 2 Left 10 characters (Only 3 of left valid)
Line 2 Right 30 characters displayed
Line 4 Left 10 characters displayed
Line 4 Right 30 characters displayed
Line 5 Left 10 characters (Only 3 of left valid)
Line 5 Right 30 characters displayed
Load meter message (2nd part system)
Tool registration message(Up to 5steps)
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