HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6960-96008 Garage Door Opener User Manual

Integrating SAP R/3 and Data Protector
Chapter 2 219
2. Perform a filesystem backup of the SAP R/3 Database Server:
Perform a filesystem backup of the SAP R/3 Database Server system
so that you can eliminate any potential communication problems
between the SAP R/3 Database Server and the Data Protector Cell
Manager system.
Do not start troubleshooting an online database backup unless you
have successfully completed a filesystem backup of the SAP R/3
Database Server system.
See the online Help index “standard backup procedure” for details
about how to do a filesystem backup.
3. If the SAP R/3 backup utilities are installed in a shared
directory, then the inet startup parameter must be specified
as described in step 4, or the Windows permissions must be
set correctly.
Run the following command (if you use the default directory):
dir \\<client_name>\<SAPEXE>\brbackup
If this fails, set the inet startup parameters, or set the correct
permissions to access a Windows network directory.
4. If you use the command line to start the Data Protector
commands, verify the inet startup parameters:
Check the Data Protector Inet service startup parameters on the
SAP R/3 Database Server system. Proceed as follows:
a. In the Control Panel, go to Administrative Tools, Services.
b. Select Data Protector Inet.
In the Services window, select Data Protector Inet, Startup.
The service must run under a specified user account. Make sure
that the same user is also added to the Data Protector admin user