HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6960-96008 Garage Door Opener User Manual

Integrating Oracle and Data Protector
Restoring an Oracle Database
Chapter 1 83
Oracle 8i:
Use rcvcat instead of catalog in the above syntax.
3. If you did not choose to use Data Protector to recover the database
objects and if you have all archived redo logs on disk, perform the
following after the database is restored:
Open a command line window and enter the following commands:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL>recover database;
SQL>connect <user>/<password>@<service> as sysdba;
SQL>alter database open;
4. Oracle Data Guard: If you restored a standby database and if you
have all archived redo logs on disk, restart the managed recovery
process (log apply services):
Restoring Tablespaces and Datafiles
To restore tablespaces and datafiles:
1. Open a command line window and enter the following commands if
you have the database in the Open state:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL>connect <user>/<password>@<service> as sysdba;
SQL>alter database datafile '<datafile name>' offline;
If you are restoring a tablespace enter:
SQL>alter tablespace <tablespace name> offline;
2. When the restore has been completed put the datafiles and
tablespaces back online with the following procedures:
Open a command line window and enter the following commands:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL>connect <user>/<password>@<service> as sysdba
If you are restoring a datafile enter:
SQL>alter database datafile '<datafile name>' online;