HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6960-96008 Garage Door Opener User Manual

Integrating SAP R/3 and Data Protector
Backing Up an SAP R/3 Database
Chapter 2 203
set the service startup account of the Data Protector Inet service to be
your logon user account. This does not apply if you initiate the backup or
restore using the Data Protector User Interface.
To configure the Data Protector Inet service startup account, perform
the following steps:
1. In the Control Panel, go to Administrative Tools, Services.
2. Select the Data Protector Inet service and restart it.
Starting a Backup
Using Another
To start a backup using some other SAP R/3 backup specification, you
must set the environment variable OB2BARLIST to the appropriate
SAP R/3 backup specification name, and OB2APPNAME to the appropriate
SAP R/3 backup system ID before starting the backup.
Set the environment variable by entering the following command before
you enter the brbackup command or sapdba command:
export OB2BARLIST=<backup_specification_name>
On Windows:
set OB2BARLIST=<backup_specification_name>
If you do not set this environment variable, Data Protector assumes that
the SAP R/3 backup specification is named SAP-R3.