HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6960-96008 Garage Door Opener User Manual

Integrating Oracle and Data Protector
Configuring the Integration
Chapter 120
9. Include Java Aurora external option? [Y/N] N
The options marked by Y will be selected.
Exit the menu to return to Select Configuration Options. Enter
the number of the product you want to configure (18 corresponds to
RDBMS). In Software Installation and Upgrade Menu, enter 4 to
build the selected licensed products (RDBMS). That will initiate the
relinking process.
NOTE To create known file entries for the linked products using the VMS
INSTALL utility, run ORA_INSTALL:ORA_INSUTL.COM. For details, see the
Oracle documentation for OpenVMS.
After Relinking 1. Start the Oracle database.
2. Configure ORACLE8I using the GUI (see “Configuring Oracle
Databases” on page 24), and then execute the following RMAN script
to test the MML (SBT) interface:
run {
allocate channel ‘dummy’ type ‘SBT_tape’;
release channel ‘dummy’;
If the channel allocation through SBT succeeds, relinking was
performed successfully.
Linking Oracle9i
1. Make sure Oracle RMAN is set up and you are able to access it. This
can be achieved by performing a test backup using the following
RMAN script:
allocate channel d1 type disk;
backup tablespace system;
release channel d1;
You can skip this step if you are already using RMAN for backing up