78 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
Summary Base
System Expansion
Unit #7104
PCI Expansion
Tower #5075/#5095
Disk storage (GB)
Integrated minimum 8.58/17.56 - - - -
Integrated maximum 210.9 421.9 210.9 843.9 843.9
External maximum 808.7 - 808.7 808.7 808.7
Total maximum 843.9 421.9 843.9 843.9 843.9
DASD arms maximum 6 12 6 24 24
Internal arms 6 12 6 24 24
External LUNs 23 - 23 23 23
Physical packaging
External HSL ports 2 - - 2 2
External HSL loops 1 - - 1 1
#5075 PCI Expansion Tower 1 - - 1 1
#5095 PCI-X Expansion Tower 1 - - 1 1
#5074 PCI Expansion Tower - - - - -
External IBM eServer xSeries Servers 2 - - 2 2
Embedded IOP 1 - 1 2 2
PCI card slots 7 - 8 15 15
Maximum PCI IOA cards 6 - 7 13 13
Communication lines
20 - 34 50 50
LAN ports 3 - 5 8 8
Integrated xSeries Servers
1- 2 33
Twinaxial workstation controllers 4 - 6 6 6
Twinaxial workstations 160 - 240 240 240
Internal CD-ROM/DVD-RAM/tape
2 - - 2 2
External tape 3 - 3 3 6
External CD-ROM/DVD-RAM 3 3 3 6
Tape libraries
3- 3 36
Optical libraries 3 - 4 4 8
Diskettes (5 ΒΌ-inch or 8-inch) - - - - -
Cryptographic processor 3 - 3 3 3
Cryptographic accelerator
Note 1 Commercial Processing Workload (CPW) is used to measure the performance of all iSeries and AS/400e processors
announced from September 1996 onward. The CPW value is measured on maximum configurations. The type and number
of disk devices, the number of workstation controllers, the amount of memory, the system model, other factors, and the
application running determine what performance is achievable.
Note 1a Simple Mail Users (SMU) is a performance measurement introduction with the Dedicated Servers for Domino.
Note 2 Processor performance represents the relative performance (maximum capacity) of a processor feature running CPW in a
client/server environment. Processor capacity is achievable when the commercial workload is not constrained by main
storage and direct access storage device (DASD). Interactive performance represents the relative performance available to
perform host-centric workloads. The amount of interactive capacity consumed reduces the available processor capacity by
the same amount.
On the Dedicated Servers for Domino, the Processor CPW is an approximate value reflecting the maximum amount of
non-Domino workload (10 to 15% of CPU) that is supported.
Note 2a Mail and Calendar Users (MCU) is a relative performance measurement derived by performing mail and calendar functions
using Domino and Notes clients. The MCU workload represents users on a Notes client who are reading, updating or deleting
documents in an e-mail database. It also represents users who are performing lookups in the Domino directory and
scheduling calendar appointments and invitations. Reported values reflect 70% processor utilization to allow for growth and
peak loads in excess of client workload estimates.
Note 3 The total number of tape drives does not increase.
Note 4 One line is used if #5544 System Console on Operations Console is used. One line might be used if #5546 System Console
on token-ring or #5548 System Console on 100 Mbps Ethernet is selected and the #0367 Operations Console PCI Cable is