340 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
3590 E11
Other features:
Deskside Enclosure
Fibre Attachment - Field (#2765 or #5704 attachment only)
Extended Media Support - Exx
First 3590 drive in rack
Second or fourth 3590 drive in rack
Third 3590 drive in rack
Attached to AS/400
Fibre attachment - Plant (#2765 or #5704 attachment only)
The following features are required for each iSeries or AS/400 attached:
#3510 Fibre Channel Attachment (Field)
#5112 12.0 m (39-ft) SCSI Cable
#5118 18.0 m (59-ft) SCSI Cable
#5125 25.0 m (82-ft) SCSI Cable
#5145 45.0 m (150-ft) SCSI Cable
#5805 5 m SC/SC Fibre Cable
#5813 13 m SC/SC Fibre Cable
#5825 25 m SC/SC Fibre Cable
#5861 61 m SC/SC Fibre Cable
#5907 7 m LC/SC Fibre Cable
#5913 13 m LC/SC Fibre Cable
#5922 22 m LC/SC Fibre Cable
#5961 61 m LC/SC Fibre Cable
#9400 AS/400 Attach Specify
#9410 Interposer for the #6501
#9510 Fibre Channel Attachment (Plant)
PTFs are required to support the IBM TotalStorage 3590 E11 and E1A when attached to an iSeries or
AS/400e server. Functional PTFs are required on certain releases. Refer to AS/400 Information APAR
II11472 for details.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R1
Minimum operating system level to support #2749 attachment: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system level to support #2765 attachment: OS/400 V5R1
Minimum operating system level to support #5704 attachment: OS/400 V5R2
For detailed operating system and server support, see:
3590 H11
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape Drive
Also known as the 3590 High Performance Tape Subsystem, the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape
Drive Models H11 and H1A are ½-inch cartridge rack mountable tape drives that provide up to 34 MB
per second sustained data rate on Ultra SCSI interface or up to 42 MB per second using fibre, and up
to 60 GB capacity per cartridge (up to 180 GB when compressed). A 10-cartridge random access ACF
provides data capacity up to 1.8 TB unattended (not on the H1A model). With Ultra SCSI the 3590-H11
or H1A can simultaneously attach to any combination of two iSeries, AS/400e, pSeries, and RS/6000
systems. The H1A is supported in the 3494 Tape Library Dataserver and the H11 can upgrade to the
H1A or the H11.
Supported iSeries and AS/400 adapters:
#2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller
#2765 PCI Fibre Channel Tape Controller, either direct attach or to SAN with a 3534-1RU SAN
Fibre Channel Managed Hub or 2109 or 3534-F08 switches in QuickLoop mode. Full switch
support is available with OS/400 V5R2.
#5704 PCI-X Fibre Channel Tape Controller
#6534 Magnetic Media Controller
4x0, 5x0,
6x0, Sx0,
720, 730,
740, 170,
250, 270,
SB3, 820,
830, 840
Machine Description 9406