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This IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder: IBM OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 -
Version 5 Release 2 IBM® Redpaper offers a comprehensive guide to IBM eServer®
iSeries™ and AS/400e™ hardware and associated IBM software. This document offers
detailed information about the IBM iSeries Models 250, 270, 820, 830, 840, SB2 and SB3, as
well as the IBM AS/400e Models 170, 250 package, 720, 730, and 740.
The IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder: IBM OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 -
Version 5 Release 2 is written for use by IBM System Specialists, Marketing Representatives,
Business Partners, and IBM clients.
This paper is organized into chapters on IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e processors and
associated towers. The chapters about processors include summary charts that show the
capacity and schematics of each model. Feature descriptions and rules for the processors
are in a chapter common to the supporting model. Features for the Models 820, 830, and 840
are in a stand-alone chapter.
Within each model chapter, the feature section is divided into these categories: power and
packaging, main storage, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) input/output processor
(IOP) controllers, workstation controllers, communications, local area network (LAN) and
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) adapters, disk units, internal tape and CD-ROM units,
and magnetic media controllers. Features are listed in numerical sequence within each
External storage components (storage devices and VXA-2 formats), CCIN and feature tables,
software, and cables are organized in stand-alone chapters. They serve to complement the
hardware content described in the mainstay of this paper.
Note: In the interest of maintaining the size of the IBM Redbook IBM eServer iSeries and
AS/400e System Builder, SG24-2155, the iSeries and AS/400e information was extracted
into this IBM Redpaper after the January 2006 edition of the Builder was produced.
For CISC and RISC models, only summary tables are included in this document. Readers
who require CISC information need to refer to AS/400 CISC System Builder, REDP-0042.
Readers who require RISC information need to refer to IBM eServer AS/400e RISC
System Builder, REDP-0342.
Readers who require the latest iSeries information need to refer to the parent IBM
Redbook: IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder, SG24-2155.