248 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
Model 830
and 840
Memory features for the Model 830 and 840:
All main storage cards must be added in sets of eight on the Model 830 (octals) and sets of four (quads) on the Model 840.
All memory sets must be of the same feature code.
Model 830:
#3062 - 128 MB Main Storage Card
#3064 - 256 MB Main Storage Card
#3065 - 512 MB Main Storage Card (128 Mb technology)
#3066 - 512 MB Main Storage Card (256 Mb technology)
#3067 - 1 GB Main Storage Dual Inline Memory Modules (DIMM)
Model 840:
#3196 - 8192 MB Main Storage Card (256 Mb technology)
#3612 - 1024 MB Main Storage Card (256 Mb technology)
#3613 - 2048 MB Main Storage Card (256 Mb technology)
#3614 - 4096 MB Main Storage Card (256 Mb technology)
There is a total of 64 slots on the Model 830, 32 in the base and an additional 32 when the #2884 Main Storage Expansion
Riser Card is installed. There is a total of 16 slots available on the 840. For memory increments of 65536 MB and greater,
all main storage slots (16) must be filled.
See the tower diagrams in Chapter 8, “IBM iSeries towers schematics” on page 293, for placement of memory.
#2881 #2881 Main Storage Expansion
The #2881 Main Storage Expansion provides an additional 32 slots on the Model 830. Required for the minimum functional
server on the #0153, #2403, and #2349 processors.
Maximum: One on processors #2400 and #2402
Supported on Model 830
#2884 #2884 Main Storage Expansion Riser Card
The #2884 Main Storage Expansion Riser Card mounts additional main storage cards on the Model 820. It contains 16
sockets for placement of 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB cards. For placement, an initial pair of memory cards is allowed (in
slot A and slot B) without quads. Before any further memory upgrade, this pair must be completed to a quad. After that, all
cards must be plugged in quads starting from the outer four corners going toward the center (A, B, C, D, then E, F, G, H,
and so forth). Use of the same feature code number within a quad is required.
See the tower diagrams in Chapter 8, “IBM iSeries towers schematics” on page 293, for placement of memory.
Mixing of quad groups on the same riser card is also allowed.
Maximum: One on the #0150, #2396, #2425, #2436, and #2456 processors.
Maximum: Two on the #0151, #0152, #2397, #2398, #2426, #2427, #2437, #2438, #2457, and #2458 processors (one
shipped as base). For these processors, if a #2884 is ordered, a #5157 Feature Power Supply must be present or ordered.
Supported on the Model 820; not supported on the #2395 and #2435 processors
The #2884 is a Customer Install Feature.
#3000 128 MB Main Storage DIMM
The #3000 represents the base memory for Models 620, S20, and 720 migrated to the 820 and 830. No associated feature
number on source system.
Supported for migration only
Plugs directly into the CPU or #2884
Supported in quads with #3002 on the Model 820. Supported in octals with #3062 on the Model 830. Reports as CCIN
See “Model 830 and 840 Main Memory Rules” on page 248.
Maximum: Two
#3002 128 MB Main Storage DIMM
64 Mb technology.
The #3002 cannot be mixed with #3009 in pairs or quads.
Supported on Model 820, all processors
The #3002 is a Customer Install Feature.
#3004 256 MB Main Storage DIMM
128 Mb technology.
Plugs directly into the CPU or #2884
See “Model 820 Main Memory Rules” on page 247 for memory rules.
Supported on Model 820, all processors
The #3004 is a Customer Install Feature.