Chapter 9. External storage, SANs, QIC, and VXA-2 formats for IBM iSeries and AS/400e servers 347
9.4 Automated tape libraries for iSeries and AS/400e systems
The tape devices described in this section offer an Automated Tape Library (ATL) capability.
Existing ½-inch cartridges can be used after applying 3M barcode labels on CxA drives.
3590-B1A requires high capacity ½-inch cartridges. The ACL on the 3490-C11 and 3490-C22
and ACF on the 3590-B11 are not used in the Library.
The maximum number of automated tape library drives depends on the adapter that is used
to attach to the iSeries server:
#6501: Three drives, media changers, or both per adapter with a maximum of 10 devices
in the library, excluding the 3494
#2729, #6534, #2765, #5702, #5712: 16 drives, media changers, or both per adapter with
a maximum of 96 devices in the library partition
OS/400 is limited to 32 drives pooled per library, regardless of how the drives are attached
(one versus multiple). For environments where greater than 32 drives are attaching to a
single host a separate library definition and library partition is required.
9347 - 001 Tape Drive
The 9347 is a ½-inch cartridge tape drive that records at 1600/3200 bpi. At 1600 bpi, it can be used for
data interchange, save/restore, program distribution, and alternate IPL. At 3200 bpi, the capacity of a
reel can approximately double for system backup/restore functions.
Attaches to iSeries using the #6112 Magnetic Storage Device Controller (#6110 for 9406 B models).
Maximum: Two per system
Not supported with OS/400 V5R1.
B, D, E, F,
3x0, 4x0,
50S, 53S,
500, 510,
530, 6x0,
Sx0 (not
720, 730,
740, 820,
830, 840
9348 - 001
IBM Magnetic Tape Unit
The 9348 is a ½-inch reel tape drive that records at 1600/6250 bpi and can be used for restore, program
distribution, and alternate IPL. it attaches to iSeries using the #2621 Storage Device Controller, #6534
Magnetic Media Controller, #2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller, #2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media
Controller, #2607, or #2608 for 9406 B models.
Each 2440 or 9347 attached reduces by one the number of 9348s which can be attached.
B, D, E, F
2x0, 3x0,
4x0, 50S,
53S, 500,
510, 520,
530, 540,
6x0, Sx0,
720, 730,
740, 170,
250, 270,
820, 830,
Machine Description 9406
Note: The update device microcode API (QTAUPDDV) allows tape device microcode to be
updated using an image copied from the Web. This function is supported with OS/400
Version 5 systems.