Chapter 5. IBM AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 models 169
#2865 #2865 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server
The #2865 contains an Intel 333 MHz Pentium II Processor, four main storage slots, and two LAN IOA slots. The #2865
provides high performance serving to LAN attached PCs. The four main storage slots can each contain one of the following
features, giving a maximum of 1024 MB. A minimum of one main storage feature is required:
#2861 32 MB Integrated PC Server Memory (withdrawn from marketing 28 December 2001)
#2862 128 MB Integrated PC Server Memory (withdrawn from marketing 28 December 2001)
#2867 256 MB Integrated PC Server Memory (withdrawn from marketing 02 July 2002)
The #2865 requires two (reserved) PCI card positions: one for the processor card and one for a bridge card that acts as
the interface to the system. The #2865 comes with a special cable that allows for a connection on the back of the bridge
card to industry-standard keyboard, mouse, serial, and parallel connectors.
Up to two of the following LAN IOAs are supported. A minimum of one LAN IOA is required. Only one of the LAN IOAs can
be a #2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA or a #9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA.
#2723 PCI Ethernet IOA (withdrawn from marketing 28 December 2001)
#2724 PCI 16/4 Mbps Token Ring IOA (withdrawn from marketing 31 July 2001)
#2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
If the #2838 is run on the #2865, the #0222 100/10 Mbps Ethernet on IPCS is required.
Only one of the following base LAN IOAs is supported:
#9723 PCI Ethernet IOA
#9724 PCI Token Ring IOA
#9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
When running Windows NT on the #2865, then:
A minimum of 64 MB IOP memory is required on the Integrated Netfinity Server.
The #0325 Integrated PC Server Extension Cable for Windows NT is required.
The #1700 Integrated PC Server Keyboard/Mouse for Windows NT is the default in the U.S.A.
A display is required to support Windows NT on the IPCS.
Windows NT is not supported after OS/400 V5R2. Upgrade to Windows 2000.
For keyboard or mouse and display support in countries (regions) outside of the U.S.A., see the Web site at:
When running OS/2 on the #2865 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server, then:
The #0325 and #1700 are not allowed.
A maximum of 512 MB IOP memory is supported.
When running Novell NetWare on the #2865, then:
The #0325 and #1700 are not allowed.
A maximum of 256 MB IOP memory is supported.
PCI slots required: Two in reserved positions in the base system unit or in the #9329/#9330 PCI integrated expansion unit
Supported on Model 720
OS/2 and Novell NetWare are not supported with OS/400 V5R1.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R3 and Cumulative PTF Package C8349430
The #2865 was withdrawn from marketing on 02 July 2002.
#6149 16/4 Mbps Token Ring IOA (SPD)
The #6149 provides a single attachment to a 16 Mbps or a 4 Mbps Token Ring Network. It consists of an IOA card, internal
code, which supplies IEEE 802.5 MAC and IEEE 802.2 LLC, and an external 8-ft (2.4 m) cable. Alternatively, a twisted pair
cable for attachment to the RJ45 connector on the IOA can be ordered separately. Can operate in half or full duplex mode.
The #9249 is a base LAN adapter specify.
Prerequisite: A free slot in #2629 LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP or #6616 Integrated PC Server
SPD slots required: None