Chapter 12. Software for IBM iSeries and AS/400e systems 457
12.16 Release-to-release software product mapping
The following table shows a list of iSeries software products, with the product number
associated with each OS/400 release level. Use this information to understand how a
particular software product is offered for a given OS/400 installed release. The products are
listed in sequential order by the software product’s model number in the right-most column
(the latest release of OS/400). For example, 5722-SS1 is listed prior to 5722-TC1 and after
5733-CO2. V5R2 is the column used as a sorting reference. An asterisk (*) in the column
indicates the product is skip-shipped for that release. The dashes (
---) indicate that the
product was not offered for that release. N/A indicates that the product is not supported for
that release.
Refer to AS/400e RISC System Builder, REDP-0342, for a software product map for releases
prior to OS/400 V4R2. For a list of withdrawn software products and their recommended
replacements, and further information, refer to the iSeries Planning Web site at:
840 #2416 #1540 P40
#1541, #1542, #1543, #1544, #1545,
#1546, #1547
#2417 #1540 P40
#1541, #1542, #1543, #1544, #1545,
#1546, #1547
#2418 #1540 P40
#1541, #1542, #1543, #1544, #1545,
#1546, #1547
#2419 #1540 P40
#1541, #1542, #1543, #1544, #1545,
#1546, #1547
#2420 #1540 P40
#1541, #1542, #1543, #1544, #1545,
#1546, #1547
SB2 #2315 - P30
SB3 #2316, #2318 - P40
Processor feature Interactive feature Version 4 group
V4R1 V4R2 V4R3 V4R4 V4R5 V5R1 V5R2
--- --- --- --- --- --- 5724-A18
5716-MQ1* 5769-MQ2 * * 5733-A38 * *
--- --- --- --- 5733-A47 * N/A
--- --- --- 5648-DO1 5648-DO1 5733-A61 5733-A78
--- --- --- 5748-C54 * 5733-A61 5733-A78
--- --- 5769-AC2 * * 5722-AC2 N/A
--- --- 5769-AC1 * * 5722-AC3 5722-AC3
5716-AF1* 5769-AF1 * * * 5722-AF1 5722-AF1
--- 5798-AF3 * * * * *
5716-AP1* 5769-AP1 * * * 5722-AP1 5722-AP1
--- --- --- 5769-AS1 * 5733-AS3 5724-D06
--- --- --- --- --- --- 5733-AZ1
5769-BR1 5769-BR1 * * * 5722-BR1 5722-BR1
--- --- --- --- --- --- 5724-B08