Chapter 5. IBM AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 models 175
#4331 #4331 1.6 GB Read Cache Device
The #4331 provides 1.6 GB of capacity for large read cache function. It is mutually exclusive with DASD compression. The
system arrives in performance mode with compression function turned off on the #4748/#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit
Controller. For placement rules, see the full description of “#4331” on page 277.
Prerequisite for the Models 720, 730, and 740: #2748/#2778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
Maximum: One per #4748/#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
Supported in the Model 720, 730, 740, and the #5065/#5066 PCI Expansion Tower
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4
The #4331 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4331 was withdrawn from marketing on 1 March 2002.
#6605 1.03 GB Additional 2-byte Disk Unit
The #6605 provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 1.03 GB capacity for additional disk storage. It is supported only in the
#5052, #5055, #5057, #5058 Storage Expansion Unit, or #5082 Storage Expansion Tower, #5083 Storage Expansion
#6606 1.96 GB Additional 2-byte Disk Unit
The #6606 provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 1.96 GB capacity for additional disk storage. It is supported in the
#5052, #5055, #5057, #5058 Storage Expansion Unit, or #5082 Storage Expansion Tower, #5083 Storage Expansion
Towers, and in a #9251 Base I/O Tower or Model 730 system tower.
#6607 4.19 GB Additional 2-byte Disk Unit
The #6607 provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 4.19 GB capacity for additional disk storage. The #6607 is supported
in the #5052, #5055, #5057, #5058 Storage Expansion Unit, #5082 Storage Expansion Tower, #5083 Storage Expansion
Towers, and in #9251 Base I/O Tower, or Model 730 system tower.
RPQ 843977 and RPQ 843978 can be used for migration to 720, 730, and 740 system units and the #5064, #5072, #5073,
#5082, #5083, and #9364 System Unit Expansion unit and towers.
Refer to “RPQ 843977” on page 178 and “RPQ 843978” on page 178 for more information.
The #6607 was withdrawn from marketing on 29 December 2000.
#6650 1.96 GB Additional 2-byte Disk Unit
The #6650 provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 1.96 GB capacity for additional disk storage. It is supported in the
#5052, #5055, #5057, #5058 Storage Expansion Units, #5082 Storage Expansion Tower, #5083 Storage Expansion
Towers, and in a #9251 Base I/O Tower, or Model 730 system tower.
#6652 1.03 GB Additional 2-byte Disk Unit
The #6652 provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 1.03 GB capacity for additional disk storage. It is supported in the
#5052, #5055, #5057, #5058 Storage Expansion Unit, #5082 Storage Expansion Tower, #5083 Storage Expansion Tower,
and in a #9251 Base I/O Tower or Model 730 system tower.
#6713 #6713 8.58 GB Disk Unit (Ultra SCSI)
The #6713 2-byte disk unit provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 8.58 GB capacity for additional disk storage. The #6713
is supported in the #5052, #5055, #5057, or #5058 Storage Expansion Unit, #5082 Storage Expansion Tower, #5083
Storage Expansion Towers, and in the #9251 Base I/O Tower, or Model 730 system tower.
RPQ 843977 and RPQ 843978 can be used for migration to 720, 730, or 740 system units and the #5064, #5072, #5073,
and #9364 System Unit Expansion tower.
Refer to “RPQ 843977” on page 178 and “RPQ 843978” on page 178 for more information.
The #6713 was withdrawn from marketing on 31 January 2001.
#6714 #6714 17.54 GB Disk Unit (Ultra SCSI)
The #6714 2-byte disk unit provides a 3
½-inch single disk unit with 17.54 GB capacity for additional disk storage. The
#6714 is supported in the #5052, #5055, #5057, or #5058 Storage Expansion Unit, or the #5082 Storage Expansion Tower,
#5083 Storage Expansion Towers, and in the #9251 Base I/O Tower or Model 730 system tower.
RPQ 843977 and RPQ 843978 can be used for migration to 720, 730, or 740 system units and the #5072 and #5073 1063
Mbps System Unit Expansion Tower.
Refer to “RPQ 843977” on page 178 and “RPQ 843978” on page 178 for more information.
The #6714 was withdrawn from marketing on 31 January 2001.