Chapter 3. IBM iSeries and AS/400e 250 models and packages 67
#4801 #4801 PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor
The #4801 is a hardware cryptography solution. The #4801 is a half-length PC form-factor PCI card that offers rich
cryptography function, secure storage of cryptographic keys, and 12 Mbps performance (at the card level) for bulk data
encryption. The level of cryptographic function is determined by the Cryptographic Access Provider Licensed Program,
which is downloaded to the adapter.
Due to temperature requirements — card temperature must not drop below 5 degrees F (-15 degrees C) — the #4801 is
shipped separately from the system in a special package.
Prerequisite: #7102 System Expansion Unit.
PCI Card slot required: One; only allowed in high-speed slots E03, E08, or E09
Maximum: One per IOP
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5
The #4801 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4801 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006. The #4806 PCI-X Cryptographic Coprocessor is the
recommended replacement.
#9771 #9771 Base PCI Two-Line WAN with integrated modem
The #9771 is a 2-line WAN adapter. One port supports V.90 56K asynchronous data on PPP by way of an internal
modem. The second port supports multiple protocol communications (WAN). Connection to the V.90 port uses a
telephone cable. Connection to the WAN communication port is with one of the following cables:
#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft. (6m) PCI cable
#0349 V.24/EIA232 50-ft. (15 m) PCI cable
#0353 V.35 20-ft PCI cable
#0354 V.35 50-ft PCI cable
#0355 V.35 80-ft/24 m PCI cable
#0356 V.36 20-ft PCI cable
#0358 V.36 150-ft/45 m PCI cable
#0359 X.21 20-ft PCI cable
#0360 X.21 50-ft PCI cable
#0365 V.24/EIA232 80-ft PCI cable
#0367 Operations Console PCI Cable
The #9771 supports the #0367 Operations Console PCI Cable on the WAN (RVX) port to directly connect the Operations
Console for OS/400 V5R1 or later or with OS/400 V4R5 and PTF MF25397 (not in cumulative PTF). Direct connection
of the Operations Console is mutually exclusive with V.90 support of the dial-in Operations Console.
The #9771 supports the #5544 System Console on Operations Console on the V.90 port for
dial-in Operations Console
with OS/400 V5R1. An additional #4745 is required on OS/400 V4R5 systems for
dial-in Operations Console support.
The #9771 ships with a country- or region-specific telephone cable. No modem cable feature is required on the order.
ECS is supported over TCP/IP on the V.90 telephone cable port with OS/400 V5R1 or with OS/400 V4R5 and PTF
SF64124. Fax is supported on the V.90 port with OS/400 V5R1 or with OS/400 V4R5 and PTFs MF25290 and SF64604.
To support ECS on the WAN port of the #9771, specify one of the following cables:
#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft. (6 m) PCI cable (default)
#0349 V.24/EIA232 50-ft. (15 m) PCI cable
#0365 V.24/EIA232 80-ft PCI cable
ECS operates on the WAN port of the #9771 by changing the *RSRCNAME parameter of the QESLINE and QTILINE
line descriptions to that of the WAN port on the #9771 card.
Remote power-on is not supported. The #9771 does not support the remote ring indicate function. For further
configuration information, see:
See the “Soft rules: iSeries IOA requirements” topic in PCI Card Placement Rules for the IBM eServer iSeries Server,
REDP-3638 for additional restrictions.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5 with supporting PTFs
The #9771 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2005.