Chapter 13. Cable part numbers for IBM iSeries and AS/400e systems 465
13.3 Dual-line cords
Use the following table as a reference for the dual-line cords that are supported on IBM
iSeries or AS/400e systems. For more Information use the following online resource:
Dual-line cords
#5102 #5102 Dual Line Cords (820 CEC)
The #5102 Dual Line Cords (820 CEC) provides dual-line cord capability for the Model 820 system unit. Two #14xx line
cords must be ordered for the 820 when a #5102 is ordered on an initial order or a model upgrade into an 820 from a
non-820 model. When ordering a #5102 as an MES, one additional #14xx line cord is required to be ordered (for a total of
two line cords for the system unit).
Prerequisite: #5155, #5157, and #9002
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
#5103 #5103 Dual Line Cords - 830 CEC
The #5103 Dual Line Cords - 830 CEC provides dual-line cord capability for the Models 830 system unit and attached
#9074 Base I/O Tower. Two 14xx line cords must be ordered for the Model 830 when a #5103 is ordered on an initial order
or a model upgrade into a Model 830 from a non-830 model. When ordering a #5103 as an MES, one additional #14xx line
cord is required to be ordered (for a total of two line cords for the system unit).
Convert any #5101 30 Disk Unit Expansion features installed in the #5074 to #5111 30 Disk Expansion with Dual Line Cord
features. No parts are shipped.
Supported on Model 830 and SB2
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
#5104 #5104 Dual Line Cords - 840 CEC
The #5104 Dual Line Cords - 840 CEC provides dual-line cord capability for the #9079 Base I/O Tower. Two #14xx line
cords must be ordered for the #9079 Base I/O Tower when the #5104 is ordered on an initial order or a model upgrade into
a Model 840 from a non-840 model. When ordering a #5104 as an MES, one additional #14xx line cord is required to be
ordered for the #9079.
If the Model 840 is ordered with the #8079 Optional Base 1.8 M I/O Rack, the #5104 provides dual-line cord capability for
the lower unit in the #8079. Two #14xx line cords must be ordered for the lower unit in the #8079 when a #5104 is ordered
on an initial order or a model upgrade into an 840 from a non-840 model. When ordering a #5104 as an MES, one additional
#14xx line cord is required to be ordered for the lower unit in the #8079. The #5105 must be ordered for the dual-line cord
capability for the upper unit in the #8079.
Convert any installed #5101 30 Disk Unit Expansion features to #5111 30 Disk Expansion with Dual Line Cord features.
No parts are shipped.
Supported on Model 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
The #5104 has country- or region-specific usage.
#5105 #5105 Dual Line Cords - I/O Tower
The #5105 Dual Line Cords - I/O Tower provides dual-line cord capability for a #5079 and top unit in an #8079 Optional
Base 1.8 M I/O Rack. Two #14xx line cords must be ordered for each #5074 PCI Expansion Tower with a #5105 when a
#5105 is ordered on an initial order of a #5074. When ordering a #5105 as an MES, against an existing #5074, one
additional #14xx line cord is required to be ordered (for a total of two line cords for a #5074). A #5074 mounted in a #0551
iSeries Rack is supported with the #5105.
Convert any #5101 30 Disk Unit Expansion features installed in the #5074 to #5111 30 Disk Expansion with Dual Line Cord
features. No parts are shipped.
Supported on standalone #5074 or the top unit in a #8079
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
#5106 #5106 Dual Line Cords - #5079 Tower
The #5106 Dual Line Cords - #5079 Tower provides dual-line cord capability for a single unit in a #5079 1.8 M I/O Tower.
Two #14xx line cords must be ordered for each #5106 present, when a #5106 is ordered on an initial order of a #5079.
When ordering a #5106 as an MES, against an existing #5079, one additional #14xx line cord is required to be ordered for
each #5106 ordered. The IBM marketing configurator defaults a quantity of two #5106s, for each #5079 ordered, on a
system that has dual-line cords on the system unit.
Convert any #5101 30 Disk Unit Expansion features installed in the #5079 to #5111 30 Disk Expansion with Dual Line Cord
features. No parts are shipped.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1