412 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
OS/400 V4R5 OS/400 V5R1 OS/400 V5R2
9406-250 #0295, #0296, #0297, #0298
9406-270 #2248, #2250, #2252, #2253
9406-270 #2422, #2423, #2424 DSD
9406-820 #2395, #2396, #2397, #2398
9406-820 #2425, #2426, #2427 DSD
9406-830 #2400, #2402, #2403
9406-840 #2416, #2417, #2418, #2419,
#2420 Processors
9406-SB2 #2315 Processors
9406-SB3 #2316, #2318 Processors
#146x HSL Cables
#146x SPCN Cables
#15xx Interactive features for 270 and 8xx
#2743 1 Gbps PCI Ethernet IOA
#2744 PCI 100 Mbps Token Ring IOA
#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media
#2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
#2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
#2790 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server IOP
#2795 128 MB IOP Memory
#2796 256 MB IOP Memory
#2797 1 GB IOP Memory
#2842 PCI IOP (Model 270)
#2843 PCI IOP (Model 8xx)
#2881 Main Storage Expansion
#2884 Main Storage Expansion Riser
#2890 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server
#2895 128 MB IOP Memory
#2896 256 MB IOP Memory
#2897 1 GB IOP Memory
#3xxx Memory for 270 and 8xx Models
#4430 DVD-RAM
#4525 CD-ROM
#4530 DVD-RAM
#4582 4 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
#4583 16 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4586 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4625 CD-ROM
#4630 DVD-RAM
#4682 4 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
#4683 16 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4686 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4723 PCI 10 Mbps Ethernet Adapter
#4745 PCI 2-line WAN IOA
#4746 PCI Twinaxial IOA
9406-270 #2431, #2432, #2434
9406-270 #2452, #2454 DSD Processors
9406-820 #0150, #0151, #0152, #2435,
#2436, #2437, #2438 Processors
9406-820 #2456, #2457, #2458 DSD
9406-830 #0153, #2349, #2351
9406-840 #0158, #0159, #2461
9406-8x0 #235x CUoD
#037x LC-SC Adapter Kit
#1422 PDU Line Cord
#147X Optical HSL Cable
#1548 Interactive Capacity Card
#2739 Optical Bus Adapter
#275x HSL Ports
#2760 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet UTP Adapter
#2765 PCI Fibre Channel Tape Controller
#2766 PCI Fibre Channel Disk Controller
#2772 PCI Dual WAN/Modem IOA
#2773 PCI Dual WAN/Modem IOA (ANSI)
#2777 HSL Ports - 8 Copper - 8 Copper
#2778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
#2799 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#2805 PCI Quad Modem IOA
#2806 PCI Quad Modem (CIM)
#2817 PCI 155 Mbps MMF ATM IOA
#2899 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#3007 1 GB main storage
#3009 128 MB main storage
#3027 1 GB main storage
#3029 128 MB main storage
#3032 256 MB main storage
#3033 512 MB main storage
#3034 1 GB main storage
#3067 1 GB main storage
#4319 35.16 GB 10k RPM Disk Unit
#4585 80 GB VXA-2 Tape Device
#4487 50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4587 50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4685 80 GB VXA-2 Tape Device
#4687 50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape
#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
#5078 PCI Expansion Unit
#510x PCI Disk Expansion Unit
#516x Power Dist Unit
#9002 Dual Line Cord Enabler
#9752 Base HSL Ports - 8 Copper
#9755 Base HSL Ports - 16 Copper
#9777 Base HSL Ports - 8 Copper
#9778 Base PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
7207-330 External SLR60 Tape Drive
#0595 PCI-X Expansion Unit in Rack
#15xx Interactive Card
#2742 2-Line WAN IOA
#2757 PCI-X Ultra RAID Disk Controller
#2776 HSL-2 Ports - 8 Copper
#2782 PCI-X RAID Disk Unit Controller
#2785 HSL-2 Ports - 2 Copper
#2786 HSL Ports - 2 Optical
#2787 PCI-X Fibre Channel Disk
#2788 HSL Ports - 8 Optical
#2792 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#2793/#9793 Two-Line WAN IOA with
#2794/#9794 Two-Line IOA with Modem
#2844 PCI IOP
#2849 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Adapter
#2892 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#2886 Optical Bus Adapter
#3020 4 GB main storage
#3021 4 GB main storage
#3015 8 GB main storage
#3016 8 GB main storage
#3017 32 GB main storage
#3018 32 GB main storage
#3035 16 GB main storage
#3036 16 GB main storage
#3042 256 MB main storage
#3043 512 MB main storage
#3044 1024 MB main storage
#3046 2048 MB main storage
#3092 256 MB main storage
#3093 512 MB main storage
#30941024 MB main storage
#3096 2048 MB main storage
#4326 35.16 GB 15k RPM Disk Unit
#4327 70.56 GB 15k RPM Disk Unit
#4531 DVD-ROM
#4631 DVD-ROM
#4710 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#4805 PCI Cryptographic Accelerator
#4810 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#5088 PCI-X Expansion Unit
#5094 PCI-X Expansion Tower
#5095 PCI-X Expansion Tower
#5108 PCI-X Expansion Unit
#5115 Dual Line Cords - Tower
#5116 Dual Line Cords - #5294
#5138 Redundant Power and Cooling
#5294 1.8m I/O Tower
#5580 - #2780 Ctlr with Aux Write Cache
#5581 - #2757 Ctlr with Aux Write Cache
#5700 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet IOAl
#5701 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet UTP IOA