Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 23
Magnetic media controllers
#2718 #2718 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
The #2718 is an Ultra SCSI Tape IOA that provides attachment capability for the IBM 7207-122 QIC-SLR Tape Bridge
Box. The #2718 can attach one tape drive.
Prerequisite: #7101/#7102 System Expansion Unit.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R2
The #2718 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
#2729 #2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
The #2729 provides SCSI attachment for one 3490E C11/C22/C1A/C2A with feature #5040, 3490E Exx, 3490E Fxx,
3494 D1x or L1x, 3570, 3590, 7208, 9348 or 9427 Tape Subsystem Models or 3995 Optical Library Dataserver - Model
Prerequisite: #7101/ #7102 System Expansion Unit
High-speed PCI slots required: One
Maximum: Two
The #2729 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
#2740 #2740 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller — 4 MB Cache (RAID/Mirrored/Unprotected)
The #2740 is an Ultra SCSI controller that provides RAID protection and a 4 MB write-cache for up to 10 disks installed
in the base system unit and the #7101 System Expansion Unit. A minimum of four drives and a maximum of 10 drives
are supported in each array. A maximum of two arrays are supported on the #2740. The #2740 also supports one
CD-ROM drive (comes as standard) and one internal tape drive. Supports #6381, #6382, #6384, or #6385 tape units.
Mutually exclusive with #2741 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller and #9728 Base Disk Unit Controller. The #2740 does not
support integrated hardware disk compression.
High-speed PCI slots required: One
Maximum: One
#2741 #2741 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller — 4 MB Cache (RAID/Mirrored/Unprotected)
The #2741 is an Ultra SCSI controller that provides RAID protection and a four MB write-cache for up to 10 disks installed
in the base system unit and #7101 System Expansion Unit. A minimum of four drives and a maximum of 10 drives are
supported in each array. A maximum of two arrays are supported on the #2741. The #2741 also supports one CD-ROM
drive (comes as standard) and one internal tape drive. The #2741 supports the #6381 2.5 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape,
#6382 4 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Unit, #6384 30 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Unit, and #6385 13 GB ¼-inch Cartridge
Tape Unit. Mutually exclusive with #2740 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller and #9728 Base Disk Unit Controller.
High-speed PCI slots required: One
Maximum: One
Minimum operating system to support integrated hardware disk compression: OS/400 V4R3
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4.
#2748 #2748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller — 26 MB Cache (RAID/Mirrored/Unprotected)
The #2748 SCSI controller with 26 MB write-cache provides RAID-5 protection and DASD compression capability for
internal disk units, and supports internal tape and CD-ROM units. The #2748 controls Ultra and Fast Wide SCSI disk
units installed in the base system and the #7101/#7102 System Expansion Unit. In addition to providing RAID-5 and
compression, the #2748 also works as a high-performance controller for disks protected by system mirroring or disks
with no protection. In a RAID-5 configuration, disk unit protection is provided at less cost that mirroring, and with better
performance than checksum.
The #2748 also supports the #6831 1.6 GB Read Cache Device, which is mutually exclusive with DASD compression.
The #2748 supports a maximum of 10 disk units. A minimum of four disk units of the same capacity are needed for a
valid RAID-5 configuration. A maximum of two arrays are allowed per controller, with a maximum of 10 disk units per
array. All disk units in an array must be of the same capacity. Parity is spread across four disk units for arrays of four to
seven disk units. For systems started with eight disk units in an array, the parity for that array is spread across eight disk
units. The RAID function must be stopped and then started to spread the parity across eight disk units if RAID is initially
started with less than eight disk units in an array.
The #2748 supports one CD-ROM and one internal tape unit, and concurrent DASD maintenance.
One disk controller PCI card slot is required.
Maximum: One
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4