Chapter 7. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 features and placement 275
#0041 #0041 Device Parity Protection Capability
The #0041 Device Parity Protection Capability indicates the level of disk protection desired and helps ensure that adequate
hardware is in the final configuration. The #0041 is the default specify code for data protection capability.
For new systems, the #0041 causes the order to fail if a disk unit or adapter is ordered that is not capable of implementing
RAID protection. The #0041 causes all internal disk units to be placed into configurations capable of implementing RAID
arrays using a RAID-capable disk controller.
For upgrade orders, the #0041 causes the order to replace adapters that are not RAID-capable with RAID-capable
adapters. A warning message is generated during RAID enablement if there are not enough disk units to support a
minimum RAID configuration.
It is the customer's responsibility to start RAID on their system.
Device parity protection requires all disk units to be placed in sets large enough to turn on RAID protection, as well as be
connected to a RAID-capable adapter. The rules for RAID can be found in the disk controller descriptions.
#0042 #0042 Mirrored System IOP Level Protection Capability
The #0042 Mirrored System IOP Level Protection Capability indicates the level of disk protection desired and helps ensure
that adequate hardware is in the final configuration.
For new systems, the #0042 causes the order to fail if sufficient disk units and IOPs are not included on the order to support
IOP-level mirrored protection. The #0042 causes all disk units to be placed into configurations capable of IOP-level
mirroring. Each disk unit and its mirrored pair must be on a different disk unit IOP.
For upgrade orders, the #0042 causes a warning message to be generated during implementation of the upgrade if
sufficient disk units, adapters, and IOPs are not available to provide the capability to enable IOP-level mirrored protection
for all DASD. It is the customer's responsibility to start mirroring on their system.
The load source disk unit in a new, preloaded system is device-level mirrored. (The same protection as provided with
#0040.) This means that the load source is controlled by the first disk unit controller on the first system bus, and is mirrored
with a like disk unit, which is also attached to the same first disk controller on the first system bus.
The minimum number of disks allowed on a system is four.
#0043 #0043 Mirrored System Bus Level Protection Capability
The #0043 Mirrored System Bus Level Protection Capability indicates the level of disk protection desired and helps ensure
that adequate hardware is in the final configuration.
For new systems, the #0043 causes the order to fail if sufficient disk units, IOPs and expansion units are not included on
the order to support bus-level mirrored protection for all disk units.
The load source disk unit in a new, preloaded system is device-level mirrored. This means that the load source is controlled
by the first disk controller on the first system bus, and is mirrored with a like disk unit which is also attached to the same
first disk controller on the first system bus. Bus level mirroring of the Load Source disk unit can be achieved only by enabling
Remote Load Source Mirroring before starting Mirrored Protection. For details about implementing Remote Load Source
Mirroring, refer to the iSeries Information Center at:
For upgrade orders, a warning message is generated during installation of the upgrade if sufficient disk units, IOPs, and
expansion units are not available to provide the capability to enable bus-level mirrored protection for all disk units.
It is the customer's responsibility to start mirroring on their system.
Bus-level mirroring requires all disk units to be placed into mirrored pairs on separate busses. Refer to the iSeries
Information Center for important Mirrored Protection and Remote Load Source Mirroring implementation details. Logically
partitioned systems require additional planning.
The minimum number of disks allowed on a system is four.