Chapter 7. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 features and placement 289
#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
The #4778 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4778 was withdrawn from marketing on 19 November 2004. Conversions to the #4778 remain available.
#5580 #5580 - 2780 Controller with Auxiliary Write Cache
The #5580 provides a disk controller with auxiliary write cache to improve cache data redundancy. The #5580 includes a
#2780 PCI-X Ultra4 RAID Disk Controller and a secondary IOA with 757MB of auxiliary maximum compressed write cache.
The #2780 and the secondary IOA each require one PCI-X slot and must be installed together in the same system unit or
I/O unit/drawer/tower. The #2780 and the auxiliary write cache IOA are connected by a SCSI cable (provided). Feature
#2780 does not appear on IBM ordering, shipping, or inventory documentation.
The connecting SCSI cable is attached to port four of the #2780, reducing the number of SCSI buses that support disk
drives from four to three. The reduction of SCSI buses can also reduce the number of disk drives supported by the #2780,
depending on the system unit or I/O unit/drawer/tower in which the #2780 is installed. No disk drives are driven by the
auxiliary write cache IOA.
For more details regarding auxiliary write cache, refer to Planning for eServer i5 Data Protection with Auxiliary Cache
Solutions, REDP-4003 at:
Supported on Models 820, 830, and 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2 with CUM C5123520 and prerequisite PTFs.
#5581 #5581 - 2757 Ctlr with Aux Write Cache
The #5581 provides a disk controller with auxiliary write cache to improve cache data redundancy. The #5581 includes a
#2757 PCI-X Ultra4 RAID Disk Controller and a secondary IOA with 757MB of auxiliary maximum compressed write cache.
The #2757 and the secondary IOA each require one PCI-X slot and must be installed together in the same system unit or
I/O unit/drawer/tower. The #2757 and the auxiliary write cache IOA are connected by a SCSI cable (provided). Feature
#2757 will not appear on IBM ordering, shipping, or inventory documentation.
The connecting SCSI cable is attached to port four of the #2757, reducing the number of SCSI buses that support disk
drives from four to three. The reduction of SCSI buses can also reduce the number of disk drives supported by the #2757,
depending on the system unit or I/O unit/drawer/tower in which the #2757 is installed. No disk drives are driven by the
auxiliary write cache IOA.
For more details regarding auxiliary write cache, refer to Planning for eServer i5 Data Protection with Auxiliary Cache
Solutions, REDP-4003 at:
Supported on Models 820, 830, and 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2 with cumulative PTF package C5123520 and prerequisite PTFs .