Chapter 9. External storage, SANs, QIC, and VXA-2 formats for IBM iSeries and AS/400e servers 371
The #0120 7210-020 Attachment Specify is required for each 7210-020 External CD-ROM
drive to be connected directly (not daisy-chained) to the system with a #2718, #2768, #5702,
or #5705.
The #0162 Extended Single Ended Attach Specify is required when these devices are
attached directly (not second on a daisy-chained string) to an iSeries server with a #2718 PCI
Magnetic Media Controller, #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller, #5712/#5702 PCI-X Ultra
Tape Controller, or #5715/#5705 PCI-X Tape/DASD Controller.
ξ 7329-308 SLR100 ΒΌ-inch Tape Autoloader
ξ 7210-025 External DVD-RAM
ξ 7210-030 External DVD-RAM
Note: If the 7210-020 is to be daisy-chained with another external device, this specify code
must not be present.
Note: If any of these devices are daisy-chained off another device, the #0162 specify must
not be present.