Chapter 4. IBM iSeries 270 models 119
#4583 #4583 16 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
The #4583 16 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, migration, and ¼-inch
cartridge tape exchange using the appropriate media and density. This tape unit is not compatible with System/36 ¼-inch
cartridge tape units.
The #4583 can be mounted in the system unit of the Model 270.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5 (OS/400 V4R4 for the #4483)
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
The #4583 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4583 was withdrawn from marketing on 3 December 2002.
#4584 #4584 30 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
The #4584 is a 30 GB ¼-inch cartridge tape unit that can be mounted in a removable media device slot of a system unit
or an expansion tower. The #4584 can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, migration, and ¼-inch
cartridge tape exchange.
The #4584 can be mounted in the system unit of the Model 270.
Minimum operating system level for the #4584: OS/400 V4R5
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
The #4584 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4584 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.
#4585 #4585 80 GB VXA-2 Tape Device
The #4585 80 GB VXA-2 Tape Device can be used for save and restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, and migration.
The tape format is not compatible with other tape units currently offered on iSeries systems.
The #4585 can be mounted in a removable media device slot of a Model 270 system unit.
Prerequisites: A removable media device slot and disk unit controller in the system unit.
The #4585 is supported by the #2757, #2763, #2780, #2782, #4748, #4778, and #9767.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
The #4585 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4585 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.
#4586 #4586 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
The #4586 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device is a 25 GB ¼-inch cartridge tape unit that mounts in a removable media
device slot of a system unit or an expansion drawer/tower. The #4586 can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, program
distribution, migration and ¼-inch cartridge tape exchange. This tape unit is not compatible with System/36 ¼-inch
cartridge tape units.
The #4586 can be mounted in the system unit of the Model 270.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
The #4586 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4586 was withdrawn from marketing on 3 December 2002.