Chapter 5. IBM AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 models 171
#6617 #6617 Integrated PC Server (SPD)
The #6617 contains a 200 MHz Pentium Processor, four main storage slots, and three LAN IOA slots for high performance
serving to LAN-attached PCs. The four main storage slots can each contain one of the following features, for a maximum
of 512 MB. A minimum of one main storage feature is required:
#2861 32 MB Integrated PC Server Memory
#2862 128 MB Integrated PC Server Memory
Up to three of the following LAN IOAs are supported. A minimum of one LAN IOA is required. A maximum of two of the
LAN IOAs can be #2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA/#9738.
#2723 PCI Ethernet IOA
#2724 PCI 16/4 Mbps Token Ring IOA
#2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
Only one of the following base LAN IOAs is supported:
#9723 PCI Ethernet IOA
#9724 PCI Token Ring IOA
#9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
The third LAN and the second #2838 can only be used if running Windows NT on the #6617. When running Windows NT
on the #6617, then:
A minimum of 64 MB IOP memory is required.
#0325 Integrated PC Server Extension Cable for Windows NT is required.
#1700 Integrated PC Server Keyboard or Mouse for Windows NT. Default in the U.S.A.
A display unit is required to support Windows NT on the IPCS or Integrated xSeries Server.
Windows NT is not supported after OS/400 V5R2. Upgrade to Windows 2000.
For country- or region-specific keyboard, mouse and display support, see:
When running OS/2 on the #6617, then:
The #0325 and #1700 are not allowed.
Only two of the LAN IOA slots can be used and only one can contain a #2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA/#9738.
A maximum of 512 MB IOP memory is supported.
When running Novell NetWare on the #6617, then:
The #0325 and #1700 are not allowed.
Only two of the LAN IOA slots can be used and only one can contain a #2838/#9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA.
A maximum of 256 MB IOP memory is supported.
SPD slots required: Three contiguous slots; cannot be placed in the #5044 System Unit Expansion Rack
OS/2 and Novell NetWare are not supported with OS/400 V5R1.
#6618 #6618 Integrated Netfinity Server (SPD)
The #6618 contains an Intel 333 MHz Pentium II Processor, four main storage slots, and three LAN IOA slots for high
performance LAN serving to LAN-attached PCs. All three PCI slots can be used for Integrated PC Server functions. Two
of the three PCI slots can support native iSeries functions. The #6618 requires three IOP slots. The slots must be adjacent.
An external cable is included to enable connectivity to IPCS hardware (keyboard or mouse), which also allows for optional
use of parallel and system ports.
The #6618 comes with no base main memory. A minimum of one main storage feature is required. Up to four of the
following memory features are supported to allow between 32 MB and 1024 MB of memory:
#2861 32 MB Integrated PC Server Memory
#2862 128 MB Integrated PC Server Memory
#2867 256 MB Integrated PC Server Memory
Up to three of the following LAN IOAs are supported. A minimum of one LAN IOA is required. A maximum of two of the
LAN IOAs can be #2838/#9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA.
#2723 PCI Ethernet IOA (10 Mbps)
#2724 PCI 16/4 Mbps Token Ring IOA
#2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
Only one of the following base LAN IOAs is supported:
#9723 PCI Ethernet IOA (10 Mbps)
#9724 PCI Token Ring IOA
#9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA