Chapter 5. IBM AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 models 183
#6485 13 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Unit
The #6485 can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, migration and ¼-inch cartridge tape exchange using the
appropriate media and density. This tape unit is not compatible with System/36 ¼-inch cartridge tape units.
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
Supported in the system unit of the Model 720 and in the #5064/#9364 system unit expansion.
#6486 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Unit
The #6486 can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, migration and ¼-inch cartridge tape exchange using the
appropriate media and density. This tape unit is not compatible with System/36 ¼-inch cartridge tape units.
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
Supported in the system unit of the Model 720 and in the #5064/#9364 system unit expansion.
#6490 7 GB 8 mm Cartridge Tape Unit
The #6490 can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, migration, and 8 mm cartridge tape exchange using the appropriate
media and density. It is supported in the system unit or the #5064/#9364 system unit expansion.
Supported on Model 720
Magnetic media controllers
#2621 #2621 Storage Device Controller (SPD)
The #2621 provides attachment for one or two of the following devices with hardware data compression: 2440, 9348, 7208,
3995, 9427, and #5032. Dual drive 7208s count as two devices. If #2621 supports a 3995 Optical Library Data server or
#5032, it must be dedicated to it. If the #2621 supports a 9427, attach the 9427 to both ports of the #2621.
Prerequisite: #9364 System Unit Expansion with #9331 expansion unit for SPD cards or #5072/#5073 1063 Mbps System
Unit Expansion Tower on the Model 720
SPD slots required: One
#2624 #2624 Storage Device Controller (SPD)
The #2624 Storage Device Controller provides support for up to three internal tape drives. With the addition of the #6146,
it also supports one external diskette drive. Can be used to support tape drives only in #5072/#5073 1063 Mbps System
Unit Expansion Towers. The #2624 is used to support the #6325 Optional CD-ROM in #5072 or #5073 1063 Mbps System
Unit Expansion Towers.
SPD slots required: One
It is not supported to drive #6425 CD-ROM in the Model 720 with the #9331 expansion unit for SPD cards in the integrated
#5064/#9364 system unit expansion.
#2644 #2644 Magnetic Tape Attachment Card/HP (SPD)
The #2644 provides attachment for 3422, 3430, 3480, 3490 Axx, 3490 Bxx, 3490 Dxx, 3490E Axx, 3490E Bxx, 3490E Dxx,
3490E Cxx, and 3494 Tape Library Dataserver X10 models. Also requires the #9980 Serpentine Cable except for 3490E
Cxx when used with internal cables.
SPD slots required: One
#2718 #2718 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
The #2718 PCI Magnetic Media Controller provides SCSI attachment for one 7206-VX2 80 GB VX-2 External Tape Drive,
7207-122 QIC-SLR Tape Bridge Box (4 GB External ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Drive), 7208-345 60 GB External 8 mm Tape
Drive, 7210-020 External CD-ROM, or 7210-025 External DVD-RAM. See 9.5.4, “#5712, #5715, #5702, #5705, #2718,
and #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller: Device cabling rules” on page 370, for information about connecting devices
to the #2718.
Prerequisite: #2809 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP or #2824 PCI Feature Controller
High-speed PCI slots required: One
Maximum: One in the system unit, two in the #9364 System Unit Expansion with #9329/#9330 PCI integrated expansion
unit, and three in the #5065 Storage/PCI Expansion Tower
Supported on Model 720
Minimum operating system level to support 7210-020 and 7208-345: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system level to support 7210-025: OS/400 V5R1
The #2718 was withdrawn from marketing on 2 July 2002.