# iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
Feature Code
Cross Reference
2745 4745 PCI 2-line WAN IOA
2745 2745 PCI 2-Line WAN IOA
2745 9745 Base PCI 2-Line WAN IOA
2745 0398 Operations Console Package
2746 4746 PCI Twinaxial IOA
2746 2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA
2746 9746 Base PCI Twinaxal IOA
2748 0605 - Direct Attach - #4748 PCI RAID Disk Unit
2748 9748 Base PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
2748 4748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
2748 2748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
2749 2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller
2750 4750 PCI ISDN BRI U IOA
2750 2750 PCI ISDN BRI U Adapter
2751 4751 PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA
2751 2751 PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA
2754 2777 HSL Ports - 8 Copper
2754 9777 Base HSL Ports - 8 Copper
2754 9752 Base HSL Ports - 8 Copper
2754 2754 HSL Ports - 8 Copper
2755 9755 Base HSL Ports - 16 Copper
2755 2755 HSL Ports - 16 Copper
2757 0618 - Direct Attach - #2757 PCI-X Ultra RAID Disk
2757 2757 PCI-X Ultra RAID Disk Controller
2758 9774 Base HSL Ports - 2 Optical/6 Copper
2758 2758 HSL Ports - 2 Optical/6 Copper
2758 9758 Base HSL Ports - 2 Optical/6 Copper
2758 2774 HSL Ports - 2 Optical/6 Copper
2759 9759 Base HSL Ports - 4 Optical/12 Copper
2759 2759 HSL Ports - 4 Optical/12 Copper
2760 0602 - Direct Attach - #2760 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet
2760 2760 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet UTP Adapter
2761 2761 Integrated Analog Modem
2761 4761 PCI Integrated Analog Modem
2763 2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
2763 0604 - Direct Attach - #2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit
2765 0611 - Direct Attach - #2765 PCI Fibre Channel
Tape Controller
2765 2765 PCI Fibre Channel Tape Controller
2766 0612 - Direct Attach - #2766 PCI Fibre Channel
Disk Controller
2766 2766 PCI Fibre Channel Disk Controller
2767 9767 Base PCI Disk Unit Controller
2768 2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
2771 9771 Base PCI Two-Line WAN with integrated
2773 0610 - Direct Attach - #2773 PCI Dual
2772 2772 PCI Dual WAN/Modem IOA
2772 2773 PCI Dual WAN/Modem IOA (ANSI)
2772 0609 - Direct Attach - #2772 PCI Dual WAN/Modem
2776 2776 HSL-2 Ports - 8 Copper
2778 2778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
2778 4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
CCIN Feature code description
2778 0606 - Direct Attach - #4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit
2778 9778 Base PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
2780 0627 - Direct Attach - #2780 PCI-X Ultra4 RAID
Disk Controller
2780 2780 PCI-X Ultra4 RAID Disk Controller
2782 0619 - Direct Attach - #2782 PCI-X RAID Disk Unit
2785 2785 HSL-2 Ports - 2 Copper
2785 9785 Base HSL-2 Ports - 2 Copper
2786 2786 HSL Ports - 2 Optical
2786 9786 Base HSL Ports - 2 Optical
2787 0626 - Direct Attach - #2787 PCI-X Fibre Channel
Disk Controller
2788 2788 HSL Ports - 8 Optical
2789 2789 HSL Ports - 4 Optical
2789 9789 Base HSL Ports - 4 Optical
2793 2793 2-Line WAN IOA with Modem
2793 2794 2-Line WAN IOA with Modem (CIM)
2793 0614 - Direct Attach - #2793 PCI 2-Line WAN
2793 9794 Two-Line IOA with Modem
2793 9793 Two-Line WAN IOA with Modem
2793 9794 Two-Line IOA with Modem (CIM)
2793 9793 Two-Line WAN IOA with Modem
2794 0615 - Direct Attach - #2794 PCI 2-Line WAN
2799 2799 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
2800 9800 Internal Disk Unit (640 MB)
2801 9801 Internal Disk Unit (1 GB)
2801 2801 1.96 GB Internal Disk Unit
2802 2802 2.0 GB Internal Disk Unit
2802 9802 Std 2.0 GB Internal Disk Unit
2805 0616 - Direct Attach - #2805 PCI Quad Modem IOA
2805 2805 PCI Quad Modem IOA
2806 0617 - Direct Attach - #2806 PCI Quad Modem
2806 2806 PCI Quad Modem (CIM)
2809 2809 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP
2810 2810 LAN/WAN IOP
2811 2811 PCI 25 Mbps UTP ATM IOA
2812 2812 PCI 45 Mbps Coax T3/DS3 ATM IOA
2813 2813 PCI 155 Mbps MMF ATM
2813 2814 PCI 100 Mbps MMF ATM
2815 4815 PCI ATM 155 Mbps UTP OC3
2815 2815 PCI 155 Mbps UTP OC3 ATM IOA
2816 2816 PCI 155 Mbps MMF ATM IOA
2816 4816 PCI ATM 155 Mbps MMF
2817 PCI 155 Mbps MMF ATM IOA
2818 4818 PCI ATM 155 Mbps SMF OC3
2818 2818 PCI 155 Mbps SMF OC3 ATM IOA
2819 2819 PCI 34 Mbps Coax E3 ATM IOA
2824 2824 PCI Feature Controller
2830 2830 Main Storage Expansion
2838 0607 - Direct Attach - #4838 PCI 100/10 Mbps
Ethernet IOA
2838 4838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
2838 9738 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
2838 2838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
283F 7133 DASD Concurrent Maintenance Cage
CCIN Feature code description