Chapter 6. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 models 213
#2438 5250
3700 CPW 4-way Processor in Client/Server Environment
Includes 16 DIMM memory positions by way of the base main storage expansion card (CCIN 2884)
Includes base I/O backplane with CSP (CCIN 282D)
Provides support for the Service Processor, nine 32-bit and three 32- or 64-bit PCI slots
Processor CCIN 25BE
The #2438 was withdrawn from marketing 21 November 2003.
#1521 Base 35 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1521 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24B8.
#1522 Optional 70 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1522 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24B9.
#1523 Optional 120 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1523 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24BA.
#1524 Optional 240 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1524 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24BB.
#1525 Optional 560 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1525 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24BC.
#1526 Optional 1050 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1526 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24BD.
#1527 Optional 2000 CPW in 5250 Environment
The #2438-#1527 is represented by Processor Feature Code 24BE.
#2456 Dedicated
Dedicated Domino Uni-Processor, 3110 Mail and Calendar Users;120 CPW (Non-Domino Workload),
0 CPW (5250 Environment)
Includes eight slots for main storage DIMMs that plug directly into the processor
Includes base I/O backplane with CSP (CCIN 282D)
Provides support for the Service Processor, nine 32-bit and three 32- or 64-bit PCI slots
The #2456 is represented by Processor Feature Code 2456.
Processor CCIN 25BC
The #2456 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.
#2457 Dedicated
Dedicated Domino 2-way Processor, 6600 Mail and Calendar Users; 240 CPW (Non-Domino
Workload), 0 CPW (5250 Environment)
Includes 16 DIMM memory positions by way of the base main storage expansion card (CCIN 2884)
Includes base I/O backplane with CSP (CCIN 282D)
Provides support for the Service Processor, nine 32-bit and three 32- or 64-bit PCI slots
The #2457 is represented by Processor Feature Code 2457.
Processor CCIN 25BD
The #2457 was withdrawn from marketing 21 November 2003.
#2458 Dedicated
Dedicated Domino 4-way Processor, 11810 Mail and Calendar Users; 380 CPW (Non-Domino
Workload), 0 CPW (5250 Environment)
Includes 16 DIMM memory positions by way of the base main storage expansion card (CCIN 2884)
Includes base I/O backplane (CCIN 282D) and embedded 32 MB base PCI IOP (CCIN 284C)
Includes Common Service Processor
The #2458 is represented by Processor Feature Code 2458.
Processor CCIN 25BE
The #2458 was withdrawn from marketing 21 November 2003.
830 processors
#0153 5250
7350 CPW 8-way Processor in Client/Server Environment; required minimum memory 1 GB
Base features include:
Main Storage Expansion Card (Slot M02) (CCIN 2881)
#9754 Bus Expansion Clock Card—Eight HSL Ports Cluster Enabled (CCIN 2754)
Specify with processor #0153
PCI and CSP Card (CCIN 28AA)
Bus Adapter (CCIN 2681)
Operator Panel (CCIN 247A)
Processor Capacity Card (CCIN 0153)
Processor 0 (CCIN 245D)
Processor 1 (CCIN 245D)
The #0153 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.