Chapter 7. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 features and placement 241
#5103 #5103 Dual Line Cords - 830 CEC
The #5103 Dual Line Cords - 830 CEC provides dual line cord capability for the system unit and attached #9074 Base I/O
Tower. Two 14xx line cords must be ordered when a #5103 is ordered on an initial order. When ordering a #5103 as an
MES, one additional #14xx line cord is required to be ordered (for a total of two line cords for the system unit).
If the #9074 has feature #5101 installed, the #5101 must be converted to a #5111 (no parts shipped).
Supported on Model 830
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
#5104 #5104 Dual Line Cords - 840 CEC
The #5104 provides dual line cord capability for the #9079 Base I/O Tower. Two #14xx line cords must be ordered for the
#9079 Base I/O Tower when the #5104 is ordered on an initial order. When installing a #5104 as an MES, one additional
#14xx line cord is required to be ordered for the #9079 Base I/O Tower.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
The #5104 has country- or region-specific usage.
Supported on Model 840
If any feature #5101s are installed, the #5101s must be converted to a #5111s (no parts shipped).
#5108 #5108 30-Disk Expansion Feature
The #5108 30-Disk Expansion Feature is a disk unit expansion enclosure feature for a #5094 PCI-X Expansion Tower. The
#5108 includes two 15-disk unit enclosures, one power supply, backplanes and cables. One #2757, #2780, #4748, or
#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller is required to support each 15-disk unit enclosure.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
#5111 #5111 30 Disk Expansion with Dual Line Cord
The #5111 30 Disk Expansion with Dual Line Cord is a disk unit expansion enclosure feature for systems and towers that
are dual-line cord enabled. (Model 830 system units have #5103, Model 840 system units have #5104 and #5074 PCI
Expansion Towers which have #5105.) The #5111 includes two 15-disk unit enclosures, backplanes and cables. One
#4748/#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller is required to support one 15-disk unit enclosure.
Prerequisite: A #5103 when ordered for an 830 system unit, a #5104 when ordered for an 840 system unit, a #5105 when
ordered for a stand-alone #5074 PCI Expansion Tower or top unit in an #8079 Optional Base 1.8 M I/O Rack.
#5138 #5138 Redundant Power and Cooling
The #5138 Redundant Power and Cooling provides redundant power for the #0595/#5095 PCI-X Expansion Tower. A
#5138 consists of a 435W power supply and additional cooling fans. A second line cord is required on each #0595/#5095
with a #5138 installed. The #5138, together with the second line cord, enables dual-line cord capability for an #0595/#5095.
Maximum: One per #0595/#5095 PCI-X Expansion Tower
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
#5150 #5150 Battery Backup (external)
The #5150 is an external battery backup that when used in conjunction with the internal battery backup is capable of
extending the battery backup time.
Supported on Model 840.
#5153 #5153 Redundant Power Supplies
The #5153 consists of two power supplies, a 970 watt and a 700 watt. The #5153 provides redundancy for the power
supplies in the #5035 Migration Tower I and the #5064/#9364 System Unit Expansion. The #5153 physically resides in the
Prerequisite: The #5035 with #5064/#9364 System Unit Expansion.
#5155 #5155 Redundant Power and Cooling
The #5155 adds an additional 575-watt power supply for redundancy and additional cooling fans.
Prerequisite: The #5157 Feature Power Supply
Supported on Model 820
The #5155 is a Customer Install Feature.
#5156 #5156 Redundant Power and Cooling
The #5156 adds an additional 575-watt power supply for redundancy and additional cooling fan to the #5075 PCI Expansion
Marketing configurator defaults, on a Model 820, to a #5156 for any added #5075 when the system unit contains a #5155
575-watt power supply. If a #5155 is ordered as an MES to an existing Model 820, default one #5156 for each #5075 present
or ordered. The #5156’ s are not mandatory and can be removed from an order.
Supported in Models 820.
The #5156 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #5156 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.