282 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
7.10 Magnetic media controllers
#4633 #4633 DVD-RAM
The #4633 DVD-RAM is a half high optical media device. The #4633 uses cartridgeless media only. This is different from
the #4630 DVD-RAM which can use cartridge media. The media can be removed from the cartridge to be used in the
#4633. Media support is limited to writing DVD-RAM only and reading of CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM.
Supported in Model 820, 830, 840 system units and in #5074, #5079, #5094, and #5294 towers
Supported in Linux and AIX partitions with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for POWER or Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS
for POWER Version 3, and AIX 5L for POWER V5.2
Supported in Models 820, 830, and 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
The #4633 is a Customer Install Feature.
RPQ 847184 provides the mounting hardware to convert selected iSeries #63xx/#64xx tape features into #45xx equivalents
for installation in iSeries systems. See the RPQ description for a complete list of applicable conversions.
Magnetic media controllers
#0165 #0165 VHDCI attachment
The #0165 VHDCI attachment is used to indicate that an external CD/DVD/tape device is to be attached to a #5702 PCI-X
Ultra Tape Controller, #5705 PCI-X Tape/DASD Controller, #5712 PCI-X Tape/DASD Controller, or #5715 PCI-X
Tape/DASD Controller.
Supported on Models 820, 830, and 840
#0208 #0208 No Alternate Install Device Use Required
The #0208 No Alternate Install Device Use Required specify feature instructs manufacturing to place the external tape
adapter on the Multi-adapter Bridge of the system unit. With this configuration, a client is not required to select or use the
Alternative Installation Device option in conjunction with a D-mode IPL (using Boot Manager in DST). A higher cost system
configuration can result due to the need of additional PCI controller cards. If placement on the first Multi-adapter Bridge is
not possible due to other system constraints, the IBM marketing configurator flags the order as invalid.
Adding the #0208 specify feature on an order forces manufacturing to place the external tape adapter on the first system
bus. Having the external tape adapter on the first system bus does not require a client to use the Alternative Installation
Device option of DST in conjunction with a D-mode IPL.
Forcing the external tape adapter on the first system bus can result in a higher cost system configuration due to the need
of additional PCI IOPs. When selected in the IBM marketing configurator, the external alternate IPL tape controller must be
placed on the first system bus. If due to other system constraints such placement of the alternate IPL tape controller is not
possible, then the order is not valid and flagged as such.
An external tape adapter is placed in the first system bus.
Supported on Models 820, 830, and 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5
The #0208 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 December 2005.
#0618 #0618 - Direct Attach - #2757 PCI-X Ultra RAID Disk Controller
Linux direct attach feature for the #2757 PCI-X Ultra RAID Disk Controller
Supported on Models 820, 830, 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
The #0618 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006. The #0627 Direct Attach-2780 is the recommended