88 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#0133 #0133 Plant Install in Rack
The #0133 Plant Install in Rack feature is used to mount a Model 270 system unit in a #0551 iSeries Rack either in the
plant or in the field.
If the system order received at the plant contains (all four of the following) a system unit, #7104 System Unit Expansion,
#0551 rack and #0133, the system is mounted in the #0551 at the plant. If any of those four components are missing from
the order, the system is not mounted in the #0551 at the plant.
It the system is not installed in a #0551 in the plant, the #0133 feature provides hardware components, which include a set
of slides, cable management arm, a heavy duty tray, a 270 adapter plate and a pair of 270 lift covers.
The #0133 can be ordered on initial orders or MES orders.
A line cord is required for both the system unit and the system unit expansion. The line cord (and SPCN cable, if present)
must be of sufficient length for system units mounted in the upper portions of a rack and not using the #1422 PDU Line
Prerequisite: For Model 270, a #7104 System Unit Expansion must be present or ordered. An #0551 iSeries Rack is
required for mounting a Model 270, but the #0551 is not required on the order, or on the inventory records for the system
for which the #0133 Plant Install in Rack is ordered.
The #0133 is a Customer Install Feature if installed in the field.
The #0133 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.
#0137 #0137 Field Install in Rack
The #0137 Field Install in Rack feature is used to mount a Model 270 system unit (#7104 sidecar feature must be present)
in a #0551 iSeries Rack in the field. The #0137 provides a set of slides, cable management arm, a heavy duty ray, a 270
adapter plate and a pair of 270 lift covers.
The #0137 can be ordered on initial orders or MES orders.
A line cord is required for both the system unit and the system unit expansion. The line cord (and SPCN cable, if present)
must be of sufficient length for system units mounted in the upper portions of a rack and not using the #1422 PDU Line
The #0137 is an IBM Service Representative installed feature.
The #0137 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.
#0140 Logical Partition Specify
The #0140 is used to specify that this system is to be logically partitioned with an OS/400 partition. Specify one #0140 for
each OS/400 logical partition required. When logical partitioning is specified, the IBM marketing configurator verifies or
The number of load source IOPs is equal to or greater than the number of partitions. Load source IOP features are
the #2757, #2780, #2763, #2782, #4748, #4778, #9748, and #9767.
There are input/output adapters (IOAs) that are capable of being a console, equal or greater in number to the total
number of partitions. This can be a combination of #0367 Operations Console PCI Cables, #4746 PCI Twinaxial IOAs
or LAN features supported by Console-on-LAN.
A default of one #2757, #2780, #2763, #2782, #4748, or #4778 for each #4525 CD-ROM, #4530 DVD-RAM or #4531
DVD-ROM and a default of one #2768/#5702 for each 7210-020 External CD-ROM or each 7210-025 External
DVD-RAM. The defaulted controllers can be removed.
Prerequisite: Processors #2431, #2432, #2434, #2452, or #2454
Minimum (when partitioning is required): One with #0142 present or two with no #0142
Maximum: Three on processors #2431, #2432, #2434, #2452, and #2454
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
#0141 #0141 HSL OptiConnect Specify
The #0141 is used to specify that this system is to be part of a cluster using HSL OptiConnect. This feature is used to allow
the ordering of additional HSL cables to connect the systems that have OptiConnect.
Prerequisite: HSL OptiConnect capable system
Maximum: One
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1