Chapter 9. External storage, SANs, QIC, and VXA-2 formats for IBM iSeries and AS/400e servers 335
Rack Mounted 3490 tape drives
The 3490E is a ½-inch cartridge tape drive, which can be used for data interchange, save/restore,
program distribution and alternate IPL.
C10 Control Unit and tape drive (1 x 2.4 GB), attach using #2644 Magnetic Tape Attachment Card/HP
C11 Control Unit, tape drive, and Automatic Cartridge Loader for six tape cartridge (6 x 2.4 GB)
C22 Control Unit, two tape drives and Automatic Cartridge Loader for 12 cartridges (12 x 2.4 GB)
C1A Control Unit, tape drive for 3494 Tape Library Dataserver
C2A Control Unit, two tape drives for 3494 Tape Library Dataserver
The 3490E can be used as an automated tape library.
Attaches to iSeries using #2644 Magnetic Tape Attachment Card/HP (SPD), #2604 on 9406 B models,
#6501/#6534 Magnetic Media Controller (SPD), #2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller, or #2749 PCI
Ultra Magnetic Media Controller.
Requires a 9309 rack if not C1A or C2A.
A #5037 channel attach and a #5040 SCSI attach are supported together on the same 3490-Cxx unit.
The 3490-C1A and C2A attach:
(i) Channel Attach
#2644 Magnetic Tape Attachment Card/HP (SPD) on AS/400e (or optionally #2622 on D/E models).
The following features are required on the 3490-CxA:
#5037 Channel Attach
#9931 or #9932 Internal cable 6 m or 24 m
A second #5037 can be added to the 3490-CxA to allow attachment of a second AS/400 system.
(ii) SCSI Attach
#6501 Tape/Disk Device Controller (SPD), #6534 Magnetic Media Controller (SPD), or #2729/#2749
PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller on the AS/400 or iSeries server.
3490-CxA features:
#5040 Magnetic Tape Subsystem SCSI Attachment
#5045 Performance Enhancement Feature
A second #5040 and #5045 can be added to the 3490-CxA to allow attachment to a second iSeries or
AS/400e server, and one of the following features per #5040:
#6045 4.5 m (15-ft) SCSI cable
#6120 12 m SCSI cable
#6140 14 m SCSI cable
#6180 18 m SCSI cable
#9410 Interposer for the AS/400
Both Channel Attach and SCSI Attach are supported together on the same 3490-CxA unit.
3490-F1A attaches to all iSeries or AS/400e models that support: #6501 Tape/Disk Device Controller,
#6534 Magnetic Media Controller, or #2729 on AS/400e models, or #2749 on iSeries servers.
The following features are required for each AS/400 attached:
#2895 Interposer for #6501
#5212 12 m SCSI cable
#5218 18 m SCSI cable
#5245 4.5 m SCSI cable
#9400 Attached to AS/400
Minimum operating system level to support #2644 attachment: OS/400 V3R1
Minimum operating system level to support #2749 attachment: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system level to support #6501 attachment: OS/400 V3R1
Minimum operating system level to support #6534 or #2729 attachment: OS/400 V4R1
Not supported with OS/400 V5R1.
9404 and
9406 B,
D, E, F,
170, 2x0,
3x0, 4x0,
50S, 53S,
500, 510,
530, 6x0,
Sx0, (not
600, 610),
720, 730,
740, 820,
830, 840
Machine Description 9406