Chapter 5. IBM AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 models 149
#2695 #2695 Optical Bus Adapter
The #2695 allows for the addition of up to three #2686 or #2688 Optical Link Processors in any combination.
Card slots used: One
Maximum: Two
#2730 #2730 Programmable Regulator
The #2730 is required when five or more main storage cards are installed. Uses slot R12.
Supported on Model 730.
#5043 #5043 Primary to Secondary Rack Conversion
The #5043 is used for the conversion of a 9406 F Model system unit rack to a #9171 type rack. It is also available on feature
conversion from #5040. This converted rack retains the #5043 feature.
Supported on Models 720, 730, and 740
#5044 #5044 System Unit Expansion Rack
The #5044 is a 12 SPD I/O card slot cage in a rack enclosure. Each unit provides two buses with six I/O card slots per bus.
The #5044 is a conversion of a #5040 or #5042 rack.
Prerequisite: #2686 Optical Link Processor and an open slot on the Optical Bus Adapter
Maximum: Two on Model 720; nine on Model 730 and 740
#5052 #5052 Storage Expansion Unit
The #5052 provides space for up to 16 disk units. It attaches to the top of the #5072 1063 Mbps System Unit Expansion
Tower and the #5082 Storage Expansion Tower. Only one #5052 per tower is supported, and the #5143 Power Supply
might be required.
#5055 #5055 Storage Expansion Unit (Ultra SCSI)
The #5055 provides space for up to eight disk units. It attaches to the top of the Model 730 system unit.
Prerequisite: #5151 Power Supply
Supported on Model 730
#5057 #5057 Storage Expansion Unit (Ultra SCSI)
The #5057 provides space for up to 16 disk units. It attaches to the top of the #9251 Base I/O Tower.
Supported on Model 740
#5058 #5058 Storage Expansion Unit (Ultra SCSI)
The #5058 provides space for up to 16 disk units. It attaches to the top of the #5073 1063 Mbps System Unit Expansion
Tower and the #5083 Storage Expansion Tower. Only one #5058 per tower is supported.
#5064 #5064 System Unit Expansion
The #5064 allows the addition of either a #9331 expansion unit for SPD cards or #9329 PCI Card Expansion Unit. It also
supports one #7130 Expansion Unit Tape Cage to support up to three additional tape/CD-ROM units. The #5064 supports
five disks and allows two additional #7128 DASD Expansion Units to be added.
Maximum: One
Supported on Model 720
#5065 #5065 Storage/PCI Expansion Tower
The #5065 provides an additional bus. It includes a 1063 Mbps optical bus card. The #5065 has redundant, hot swappable
power supplies. It supports three LAN, WAN, or workstation controllers; 12 PCI IOA cards; two removable media; and up
to 45 disk units. Three specific disk slots can be used for #4331 1.6 GB Read Cache Device features. The #5065 supports
Ultra2 SCSI.
The #4319 35.16 GB 10k RPM Disk Unit is not supported.
Prerequisite: #2688 Optical Link Processor
Maximum: Four on the Model 720; 18 on the Model 730 and 740
The #5065 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #5065 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.