372 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
9.6 External optical storage for iSeries and AS/400e systems
Machine Description 9406
Optical Library Dataserver
OS/400 software is required to support 3995-Cx0 with up to four internal 2.6 GB drives:
OS/400 V3R6 with Group PTF SF99087 or OS/400 V3R7.
OS/400 V3R2 with 5755-AS3 #1979 and PRPQ 5799-XBW specify code #3520
Models C4x with up to four internal 5.2 GB drives:
OS/400 V4R2 with Group PTF SF99088 or OS/400 V4R3
OS/400 V3R2 with 5755-AS3 #1979 and PRPQ 5799-XBW specify code #3520 and Group PTF
Models C46 and C48 with six drives installed require:
OS/400 V4R2 with Group PTF SF99088 or later and #2729 or #6534 Magnetic Media Controller (not
supported on the #2621)
8X support on direct attach 3995 requires:
For the #2621 attach: Only OS/400 V3R2 with PRPQ 5799-XBW #3520 and Group PTF SF99079
For the #2729/#6534 Magnetic Media Controller attach: OS/400 V4R2 with Group PTF SF99088 or
OS/400 V4R3 with Group PTF SF99089 or OS/400 V4R4.
For #2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller attach: OS/400 V4R5
Media must be formatted as WORM in LAN-attached 3995 libraries to be
interchanged with C4X
direct-attached 3995 libraries. The 3995 Models 042, 043, 142, 143, and A43 are not supported with
OS/400 V5R1.
All 3995 Optical Libraries are
withdrawn from marketing on 30 July 2004. For additional support
information about the 3995 Optical Library, see the following Web site:
Additional 2.6 GB Optical Drive for 3995-C20 or C40 model
Two additional 2.6 GB Optical Drives for 3995-C24, C26, C28, C44, C46, or C48 model
Additional 2.6 GB Optical Drive for 3995-C20 or C40 model
Two additional 5.2 GB Optical Drives for 3995-C22, C24, C28, C44, C46, C48 model
Two 5.2 GB Extended Multifunction Optical Drives Upgrade
Four 5.2 GB Extended Multifunction Optical Drives Upgrade
12.0 m (39-ft) SCSI Cable for #2621 Storage Device Controller (SPD)
20.0 m (65-ft) SCSI Cable for #2621 Storage Device Controller (SPD)
12.0 m (39-ft) SCSI Cable for #2729/#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller or #6534 Magnetic Media
Controller (SPD)
20.0 m (65-ft) SCSI Cable for #2729/#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller or #6534 Magnetic Media
Controller (SPD)
D, E, F
D02, E02),
2x0, 3x0,
4x0, 50S,
53S, 500,
510, 520,
530, 6x0,
Sx0, 720,
730, 740,
250, 270,
820, 830,
7210 020 7210-020 External CD-ROM
The 7210-020 External CD-ROM is a 32x CD-ROM device that attaches to the #2718 PCI Magnetic Media
Controller or to the #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller. The 7210-020 External CD-ROM drive is
primarily intended for use with LPAR but is not limited to LPAR.
See 9.5.4, “#5712, #5715, #5702, #5705, #2718, and #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller: Device
cabling rules” on page 370, for a description of the supported attachment configurations.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5
6x0, Sx0,
720, 730,
740, 170,
250, 270,
SB2, SB3,
820, 830,