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Chapter 15. Summary of IBM AS/400e RISC
This chapter provides the capacity charts that indicate the minimum and maximum
configurations of RISC models of the IBM AS/400e.
For detailed information about RISC features and models, see AS/400e RISC System
Builder, REDP-0342. You can find a summary of CISC models in Chapter 14, “Summary of
IBM AS/400 CISC models” on page 469, and more detail in AS/400 CISC System Builder,
The following table represents the announcement or general availability and end-of-marketing
dates for AS/400e RISC models.
Note: OS/400 V3R6 through V5R2 support RISC systems.
Model and processor Announce/general availability Withdrawn from marketing
SB1 #2310, #2311 Announced 19 August 1997 29 December 2000
SB1 #2312, #2313 Announced 1 September 1998 29 December 2000
S10 #2118 19 August 1997 31 May 1999
S10 #2119 19 August 1997 31 May 2000
S20 #2161, #2163, #2165, #2166,
#2177, #2178
19 August 1997 31 May 2000
S20 #2170 19 May 1998 31 May 1999
S30 #2257, #2258, #2259, #2260,
#2320, #2321, #2322
19 August 1997 31 May 2000
S40 #2256 10 February 1998 31 May 2000
S40 #2261 19 August 1997 31 May 2000
S40 #2207, #2208, #2340, #2341 01 September 1998 31 May 2000