Chapter 7. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 features and placement 247
7.3 Models 830 and 840 Capacity on Demand
7.4 Main storage
8xx Capacity On Demand
#1604 #1604 CUoD Activation
The #1604 CUoD Activation is used to order a password to activate one additional processor on the Model 840 with a
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) processor feature. One or more #1604s can be ordered on initial orders or with MES
to activate additional processors.
Supported on Model 840
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
#1605 #1605 CUoD Activation
The #1605 CUoD Activation is used to order a password to activate one additional processor on the Model 830 with a CUoD
processor feature. One or more #1605s can be ordered on initial orders or with MES to activate additional processors.
Supported on Model 830
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
Main storage
Base There is no base memory on Models 820, 830, and 840.
Model 820
Memory features for the for the Model 820 #2395 and #2435 processors:
#3004 - 256 MB Main Storage (128 Mb technology)
#3005 - 512 MB Main Storage (128 Mb technology)
#3006 - 512 MB Main Storage (256 Mb technology)
#3007 - 1 GB Main Storage (256 Mb technology)
#3009 - 128 MB Main Storage (default, maximum of eight Dual Inline Memory Modules (DIMMs) of this type per
Main storage DIMMs must be in pairs of the same capacity and technology. The DIMMs plug directly into the 820 processor
and do not use #2884 Main Storage Expansion Riser Cards.
For the Model 820 #0150, #2396, #2425, #2436, and #2456 processors, the DIMMs can be plugged directly into the
processor. If more than eight DIMMs total are required, a #2884 Main Storage Expansion Riser Card must be used and all
DIMMs must then reside on the #2884. Without the #2884, the DIMMS must be paired. With the #2884, the DIMMs must
be in sets of four (quads) of the same capacity and technology
A single pair of DIMMs is not supported on a #2884. In addition, the #2884 can be ordered and installed at any time, even
with eight or fewer DIMMs present. If a #2884 is installed, all DIMMs must be placed on it.
For the #0151, #0152, #2397, #2398, #2426, #2427, #2437, #2438, #2457, and #2458 processors, main storage DIMMs
must be plugged into a main storage expansion card (CCIN 2884 and #2884), and must be added in sets of four (quads)
of the same capacity and technology. There is an exception that allows a single set of two main storage DIMMs if these are
the only two on the system.
A single pair of DIMMs is not allowed on Model 820 systems with a #2884 ordered or present. If any additional DIMMs are
added above the initial two, the initial two must be paired up to make a quad and then only DIMM quads can subsequently
be added. A #2884 can be ordered and installed at any time, even if the base main storage expansion card is not full. For
820 processors, if a #2884 is ordered, a #5157 Feature Power Supply must be either present or ordered.
When a #2884 is present (for a total of two memory expansion cards on the system), manufacturing spreads the DIMMS
across both memory expansion cards.
See the tower diagrams in Chapter 8, “IBM iSeries towers schematics” on page 293, for placement of memory.