Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
10. Status
The Status application of the Leica Geosystems GS20
provides feedback concerning current position, satellite
location, signal strength, real-time differential corrections, and
system information.
Similar to Setup, the Status application is displayed in a tree
view, with like items grouped into branches. Setup can be
accessed as choice 9. from the Main Menu.
10.1 GPS
10.1.1 Position
The position screen provides coordinate information
• Coordinate system toggle
• Current time
• X,Y coordinates
• Ellipsoidal Elevation (EHeight)
• Position and Height Quality
10.1.2 Satellite Information
The satellite information screen displays a tabular listing of the
satellites that should be visible based on the current almanac
and setup mask angle. Data in the table includes:
• Tracking status of the satellite (Check box)
• Satellite Number (Sat)
• Elevation above the horizon and information if the satellite
is rising or falling. (^ = rising) (Elev)
• Azimuth (A)
• Signal to Noise Ratio, or strength of reception (SNR)