Job Management
Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
1. To Create a Geoid Field file, choose the Global Geoid file,
and then select a center and radius, or South-West and
North-East limits can be selected.
• Geographic or Grid coordinate entry will be determined
based on the coordinate type defined in your global
geoid file.
• Pay special attention to the cardinal direction of
geographic coordinates
2. Select a spacing for the field file to be interpolated
extrapolate to.
• Geoid99 was created on a grid of 1 arc minute, or
roughly 1800 meters. It is probably not necessary to
expand or refine this spacing.
3. Select a Radius if using the Center and Radius method,
and Save
Save the Geoid file to the C:\GDP_Data\Geoid
directory for easy transfer using data exchange. CSCS
field files work under the same methodology, without
the need to choose spacing, and instead save to a path