Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
The known feature is automatically selected from the Geo-
Clipboard in the offset screen. No Occupation is necessary.
By Calculating the Back. Azimuth Dist. Offset without
populating the fields (i.e. zero), it is possible to create
new features with a shared topology to the parent
“pasted” node. This topology is maintained when the
parent node is post-processed or deleted.
9.8.7 ASCII Input
Data from external devices can be incorporated into node and
feature data for applications such as:
• Photos Hyper linking to Features
• Depth Finders to range water depth from a GPS position
• Bar Code Scanners
To link an external ASCII Device:
1. Set the RS232 Device Properties by Selecting Menu and
choose 2
Device Properties.
2. Select the Port to be used.
3. Define if the ASCII device being defines the end of
message by CR “Character Return”, LF “Line Feed” or a
combination of the two.
4. Select User Defined if the ASCII information should be
written to an Attribute field. If selected, enter the name of
the Attribute field.