Burnham FM01FD00B Boiler User Manual

Table XII: Recommended Periodic Testing Check List (continued)
Item Frequency Accomplished by Remarks
High Limit Safety Control Annually Service Technician Refer to instructions
Operating Control Annually Service Technician Refer to instructions
Low Draft, Fan, Air
Pressure, and Damper
Position Interlocks
Monthly Operator Refer to burner instructions
High and Low Gas
Pressure Interlocks
Monthly Operator Refer to burner instructions
High and Low Oil
Pressure Interlocks
Monthly Operator Refer to burner instructions
High and Low Oil
Temperature Interlocks
Monthly Operator Refer to burner instructions
Fuel Valve Interlock
Annually Service Technician Refer to burner instructions
Purge Switch Annually Service Technician Refer to burner instructions
Burner Position Interlock Annually Service Technician Refer to burner instructions
Burner Rotary Cup
Annually Service Technician Refer to burner instructions
Low Fire Start Interlock Annually Service Technician Refer to burner instructions
Automatic Fuel
Changeover Control
(Dual Fuel)
At least annually Service Technician Under supervision of gas utility
Safety Relief Valve As required Operator In accordance with procedure in Section
VI, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Recommended Rules for Care
and Operation of Heating Boilers
Burner Components
Semiannually Service Technician Refer to burner instructions