This manual is copyright protected by Bosch Security Systems. All rights
reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted for any
purpose, by whatever method and by whatever means, electronically or mechan-
ically, without the express written permission of Bosch Security Systems.
Issue: July 2006 (Software version 1.5)
© Copyright 2006 Bosch Security Systems
This manual has been prepared with all due care and all information contained
in it has been thoroughly checked. The description was complete and correct at
the time of going to press. Our products are constantly developed and upgraded;
as such, the content of the manual is subject to change without notice.
Bosch Security Systems accepts no liability for losses that arise directly or indi-
rectly as a result of errors, incompleteness or discrepancies between the manual
and the product described.
Trade marks
All of the hardware and software names used in this manual are highly likely to
be registered trade marks and must be treated as such.