
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting techniques 151
RC Proxy problem determination process
Before starting the problem determination, we recommend that you follow these
steps in order to have a clear picture of what is going wrong:
1. Edit the remcon.ini file on the RC Controller and RC Target, set trace_lavel
parameter to 3 in the Generic section as explained in the
IBM Tivoli Remote
Control Users Guide
, SC23-4842 and restart the service.
2. Edit the relay.cfg file on the Relay, if used in your environment, change the
debug-level entry to 8 as explained in the Firewall Security Toolbox User s
Guide, GC23-4826 and restart the service.
3. Set the lcfd debug level to 3 on the Endpoint by editing the last.cfg file on the
Endpoint and by changing the log_threshold parameter to 3. You need to
restart the service.
4. Back up and rename the rcproxy.log file both on RC Target Proxy and RC
Controller Proxy. A new rcproxy.log file is created by default as soon as the
RC Proxy service is started
5. Back up and rename the remcon.log and remcon.trc files on the RC
Controller and on the RC Target.
Figure 5-3 on page 152 defines the most common steps used to isolate the RC
Proxy connection problems. These checks must be made only after controlling if
the Framework and TFST communication are correctly configured and that the
Endpoint is alive and ready to accept all necessary Remote Control down calls.