Figure 4-9 HP xw8200 and xw8400 Workstation Rear View
The callout in the figure enumerates the following:
1. This port is used for the connection to the administration network.
Setup Procedure
Use the Setup Utility to configure the appropriate settings for an HP XC system.
Perform the following procedure for each workstation in the hardware configuration. Change
only the values that are described in this procedure; do not change any other factory-set values
unless you are instructed to do so:
1. Establish a connection to the console by connecting a monitor and keyboard to the node.
2. Turn on power to the workstation.
3. When the node is powering on, press the F10 key to access the Setup Utility.
4. When prompted, press any key to continue.
5. Select English as the language.
6. Make the following BIOS settings for each workstation in the hardware configuration; BIOS
settings differ depending upon the workstation model:
• BIOS settings for HP xw8200 workstations are listed in Table 4-17.
• BIOS settings for HP xw8400 workstations are listed in Table 4-18.
Table 4-17 BIOS Settings for xw8200 Workstations
Set to This ValueOption NameSubmenu NameMenu Name
Set the following boot order on all nodes except
the head node; CD-ROM does not have to be first
in the list, but it must be listed before the hard disk:
2. Network Controller
3. Hard Disk
On the head node, set the boot order so that the
CD-ROM is listed before the hard disk.
Boot OrderStorage
Table 4-18 lists the BIOS settings for HP xw8400 workstations.
4.5 Preparing the Hardware for CP3000 (Intel Xeon with EM64T) Systems 81