Agilent Technologies 1100 Series Water Pump User Manual

Installing the Pump
Priming and Purging the System
Table 5 Choice of Priming Solvents for Different Purposes
Activity Solvent Comments
After an installation
When switching between
reverse phase and normal
phase (both times)
Best solvent to flush air out of
the system
Best solvent to flush air out of
the system
After an installation Ethanol or Methanol Alternative to Isopropanol
(second choice) if no
Isopropanol is available
To clean the system when
using buffers
After a solvent change
Bidistilled water
Bidistilled water
Best solvent to re-dissolve
buffer cristals
Best solvent to re-dissolve
buffer cristals
After the installation of
normal phase seals (P/N
Hexane + 5% Isopropanol Good wetting properties