Agilent Technologies 1100 Series Water Pump User Manual

Installing the Pump
Priming and Purging the System
Priming and Purging the System
The system can be primed either by drawing solvent through the degasser
with a syringe or by pumping with the pump.
Priming the system with a syringe is recommended, when:
vacuum degasser or connected tubings are used for the first time or
vacuum tubes are empty or
changing to solvents that are immiscible with the solvent currently in the
vacuum tubes.
Priming the system by using the pump at high flow rate
(35 ml/min) is recommended, when:
pumping system was turned off for a length of time (for example,
overnight) and if volatile solvent mixtures are used, or
solvents have been changed.
WARNING When opening capillary or tube fittings solvents may leak out. Please
observe appropriate safety procedures (for example, goggles, safety
gloves and protective clothing) as described in the material handling
and safety data sheet supplied by the solvent vendor, especially when
toxic or hazardous solvents are used.
Priming with a Syringe
Before using a new degasser or new tubings for the first time:
1 Prime all tubings with at least 30 ml of iso-propanol no matter whether the
channels will be used with organic mobile phase or with water.
If you are changing to a solvent that is immiscible with the solvent currently
in the tubing continue as follows:
2 Replace the current solvent with adequate organic solvent (see Table 5 on
page 30), if current solvent is organic or with water, if current solvent is an
inorganic buffer or contains salt.
3 Disconnect solvent outlet tube of the channel that is supposed to be primed
from your pump.
4 Connect syringe adapter to solvent outlet tube.