Home Automation,
Emergency dial out consists of
two distinct parts: the “digital
dialer” and the “voice dialer.”
The digital dialer (also called
a “digital communicator”) reports
alarm events to a central station
monitoring center. The digital
dialer sends a digitally coded
message to the central station’s
receiver and computer. The com-
puter in the central station pre-
sents your name, address, and
other information to a human op-
erator, who notifies the appropri-
ate authorities. Digital communi-
cations to a central station are
generally superior to voice commu-
nications to friends and neighbors
for three reasons:
- there is always someone manning
the central station
- there is virtually no chance for
- personnel at the central station
are trained to respond.
The digital communicator will
not dial out until the DIAL OUT
DELAY (SET-UP 2, MISC.) has ex-
pired. If the alarm is canceled
prior to the expiration of the
DIAL OUT DELAY, no transmission
will take place. If the alarm is
canceled after the DIAL OUT DELAY
has expired, all alarm trips will
be transmitted followed by a CAN-
CEL code.
The communicator may be set up
to automatically send a test code
to the central station on a daily
or weekly basis. This verifies
proper operation of the entire
monitoring system on a periodic
When the digital communicator is
used, all voice dial outs will be
delayed for five minutes after the
expiration of the dial out delay to
allow time for the central station
to call the premises.
If the digital communicator is
unable to successfully communicate
with the central station, the con-
sole will display the COMMUNICATOR
trouble condition. (This trouble
condition is reported by the voice
In UL Listed Installations, the
Voice Dialer is supplementary to
the DIGITAL DIALER described above.
The voice dial-out feature of
the Model 1503 is a sophisticated
system that can notify you at the
office, on vacation, on a pocket
pager, or notify your neighbor, a
relative, and in some cases, local
Check with your local authori-
ties to see what number your system
should call. Be aware that in many
metropolitan areas, police and fire
departments do not allow a voice
dialer to call their lines. If this
is the case in your area, you must