Home Automation 1503 Home Security System User Manual

Home Automation, Inc.
If you are going to sleep but a
family member is expected home
later, use the HOME mode so that
there is an entry delay.
To put your system in the ASLEEP mode,
Press the ASLEEP key
Enter your code on the keypad.
The console will beep once and
the red indicator on the ASLEEP key
will light. If you make a mistake,
press CANCEL and start over. The
system will arm itself after the
Use the AWAY mode when you leave
your house and no one is home. All
doors, windows, and motion detec-
tors are armed.
All zones have an EXIT DELAY so
that you will have time to leave
your house and close the door after
you arm the system. The system will
be fully armed after the EXIT DE-
There is an ENTRY DELAY on the
ENTRY-EXIT zone in the AWAY mode,
so that you will have time to turn
the system off when you return
through your door.
Note that the ENTRY DELAY only
applies if you come in through an
ENTRY-EXIT zone. If someone at-
tempts to climb into a window, or
if an interior zone is tripped
before the ENTRY-EXIT zone, the
alarm will be activated immedi-
The HOME mode is intended for
use when you and your family are in
your home, and you wish to have
doors and windows armed, but no
interior motion detectors armed so
that your family may move about
freely inside the house. (PANIC,
TAMPER and FIRE zones are always
armed, as are the three EMERGENCY
buttons on the console.) In the
HOME mode, there is an ENTRY DELAY
on the ENTRY-EXIT zone, so that an
arriving family member can turn off
the alarm before it sounds.
To put your system in the HOME mode,
Press the HOME key
Enter your code number on the keypad.
The console will beep once and
the yellow indicator on the HOME
key will light, meaning that you
have armed the system in the HOME
mode. The system will arm itself
after the EXIT DELAY. If you make a
mistake, press CANCEL to start
The ASLEEP mode is used when you
are asleep and everyone in your
household is at home or not ex-
pected to return home. In the
ASLEEP mode, your doors, windows
and non-sleeping area (i.e. down-
stairs) motion detectors are armed.
In the ASLEEP mode, there is no
entry delay. The alarm system will
be activated immediately if any
door, window or home interior mo-
tion detector is tripped. There-
fore, only use ASLEEP mode when
everyone is home and ready for bed.