Model 1503 Owner's
For each temperature zone, the
secure/alarm status of the zone is
determined by the current tempera-
ture of the zone in relation to its
setpoints. The zone is considered
to be in alarm if the current tem-
perature is below the low setpoint
or above the high setpoint. Other-
wise, the zone is secure.
Like ordinary security zones,
the secure/alarm status of these
temperature zones can be used as
conditions for programs. Also,
changes in the status of a tempera-
ture zone will activate the event
buttons associated with that zone.
EXAMPLE 1: Turn on a ceiling fan
when the temperature in zone 17 is
higher than 75 degrees.
- PROG, *(button), 43 (when zone
17 in alarm): UNIT-NUMBER, 10,
- *(button), 44 (when zone 17 se-
cure): UNIT-NUMBER, 10, OFF,
This assumes that the high
setpoint for zone 17 is set to 75
degrees, the low setpoint set to 0,
and that the fan is unit 10. Note
that “when zone 17 in alarm” and
“when zone 17 secure” correspond to
event buttons 43 and 42, respec-
tively. The display will show the
actual unit names instead of the
numbers as you program.
EXAMPLE 2: Turn on the bathroom
heat for 45 minutes at 6:30 AM,
weekdays, if its below 60 degrees
outside and if the security system
is in the asleep mode. This example
will require a button activating
another button, because we want to
conditionalize the timed program by
two things: the outside temperature
and the Asleep security mode, so
that the heat only comes on (1)
when its cold outside, and (2) if
we're asleep and not away.
The first program runs button
190 weekdays at 6:30 AM, if we're
in the asleep mode. The second
program, button 190, turns on the
heat for 45 minutes if the outdoor
temperature zone is in alarm, mean-
ing that the temperature is below
the low setpoint.
- PROG, 190, ENTER (run button
190): *(if), ASLEEP, TIME, 6, 3,
- *(button), 190, ENTER (program
button 190): *(if), 19, ON (if
zone 19 is in alarm): UNIT-NUM-
BER, 12, TIME, 45, ON, ENTER.
The example assumes that the
outdoor sensor is on zone 19, that
its low setpoint is 60, high
setpoint is 0, and that the bath-
room heat is unit 12. You could
have another program to run button
190, if asleep, at 8:30 on week-
When you create a program and
press ENTER, the program goes into
memory. You can change certain
items in a program or you can de-
lete the program (remove it from
memory.) This is described fully in